Hydration during exercise

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We know that the Water It is fundamental for life, since for example around 60% of the human body is water. We also know that under normal conditions we should drink at least two liters of liquid daily, but there are many situations that make this amount should be increased.

But during the practice of exercise and sports, the hydration of our organism is extremely fundamental, since it is only able, by itself, to generate a relatively small amount.

During the exercise practice, the body temperature of the human body is increased, the main thermoregulatory mechanism being sweat. And it is that with him we lose heat of our body when the different drops evaporate, although this does not happen when they fall, an issue that causes us to lose water and, therefore, dehydrate

When we have thirst People believe they should drink water, but during exercise when a subject feels thirsty he should know that it is one of the symptoms of dehydration, assuming a reduction in performance capacity.

To prevent the onset of dehydration and help hydrate our body during sports, we must replace about 200 ml. of liquid during the exercise every 15-20 minutes, protecting us from the environmental heat using caps or shades.

It is extremely useful to wear garments that promote perspiration, also avoiding the hottest hours, and to drink drinks enriched with Mineral salts when we exercise for more than an hour or outdoors with high temperatures.

Although the truth is that there are many theories and myths about whether or not it is appropriate to drink water or take any other liquid just at the time when we are practicing physical exercise. Some of these theories say that drinking water can cause stomach upset or flatulence, but what is true about it?

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Why is it so important to drink water when we play sports?

The reality is that, for many myths and beliefs have about drinking liquids during sports, it is appropriate to drink water while doing physical exercise. You know why? Fundamentally because in this way we manage to keep our hydration level at a suitable level in a condition of physical wear and tear.

In this way, we avoid certain situations that are harmful to our health, such as the appearance of dehydration, which when it appears means that it is already too late, since it is a clear and evident signal that our body needs liquid immediately.

For example, we are dehydrated when we have practiced physical exercise (or we are practicing it) and symptoms such as headaches, dizziness and cramps arise. In addition, it is common to have a higher risk of injury.

In fact, did you know that an elite athlete can lose between 1 to 2.5 kilos of sweat for every hour of training? What's more, unlike what you think, the amount of sweat is not related to the intensity of the workout or the number of calories burned with it. It depends, directly, on the increase in body temperature.

But it is not only essential to drink water during sports. It is also important to do it before and after training.

How much water should we drink during sports?

Many experts advise drinking around 250-300 ml. before doing sports, and ingest an average of 150-200 ml. every 15 minutes during sports practice. In addition, it is recommended to take around 300 ml. right after finishing the training.

Yes, Remember that we must be properly hydrated throughout the day, not only during the practice of physical exercise. ThemesExercise

Hydration tips every athlete needs to know (April 2024)