Inverted or receding uterus: what it is, symptoms, causes and treatment
Many women go to the gynecologist for a routine examination and are informed that the position of their uterus is in retreat, that is, backwards. In these cases doctors are indicated to explain to women what this term means and in what it affects women in their life and especially at the time of conception or during pregnancy.
It is a natural condition that from a medical point of view is known by different names: from uterus inclined to uterine retrodeviation, passing through a tilted uterus, retroversion of the uterus or simply a bad position of the uterus.
To begin with, having an inverted uterus is not having a disease or a large anatomical problem, it is a natural condition of the female body, and it usually occurs in 20% of the female population, and even many women are not aware of it.
Have the inverted uterus it is no more than a variation of the female pelvic anatomy where the uterus leans backward rather than forward. The uterus and bladder form a "q", where the uterus rests practically on the bladder, however women who have an inverted uterus have the uterus resting on the rectum.
What is the inverted uterus?
We must bear in mind that, normally, the uterus is located in a vertical position, or at least, a little inclined forward. But when this condition exists, Instead of the uterus being placed towards the abdomen, its bottom points rather towards the back.
It is a natural condition, which has to do precisely with the anatomy of the body of the woman who has it is like that. Moreover, it tends not to cause anything bad or major problems.
Not in vain, until a few years ago many doctors believed that having an inverted or receding uterus could be a cause related to difficulties in conception. However, recent studies and research have confirmed that the position of the uterus does not affect the sperm's ability to reach the egg, and that therefore the conception occurs.
On the other hand, Having an inverted uterus does not affect pregnancy, given that when a woman is pregnant it is very common for her body to rearrange her own uterus on its own to the vertical position, something that tends to occur around twelve weeks of gestation. Only on some occasions, in fact rare, there are losses if the uterus is not placed in the proper position.
Symptoms of the inverted uterus
As we have mentioned before, 20% of the female population suffers from this anatomical deviation and many of them are not even aware of it. This deviation from the uterus is also known as malpositioning of the uterus or inclined uterus among other denominations.
Normally, women who have an inclined uterus do not usually have symptoms of any kind, but sometimes they usually feel pain during sexual intercourse, propensity to urinary infections, frequent pain in the back, discomfort during the rule and even problems to conceive.
The inverted uterus is usually diagnosed when the woman goes for a check-up and the doctor performs a pelvic exam. In the case of being diagnosed with having the uterus in retreat the doctor will not send anything to you since the treatment for women suffering from the inclined uterus does not cause major problems unless they are presented with other symptoms that may be causing a Major complication This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.