Irregular rule and risk of pregnancy in menopause

The menopause It is a process that usually appears in all women around 50 years old, which is why - for example - it is essential to prepare for this important stage by taking some precautions and health advice a few years before.

With regard to what is menopause in itself, it is a process that affects all women when they stop having menstruation, as a result of the hormonal imbalance due to which the woman stops ovulating and having the rule .

The symptoms of menopause The most common are hot flushes, the vaginal dryness wave irregular rule, which in fact becomes one of the main symptoms, especially because the menopause start with them

However, very few women know for sure that there is a risk of pregnancy in menopause, precisely because of the existence, during a certain period, of a season in which an irregular rule may arise. In fact, When menstruation appears, it tends to do it especially during premenopause, which is the period prior to the arrival of the climacteric.

Why can there be irregular menstrual periods during menopause?

Before the final cessation of the menstrual cycle appears, it tends to be very common for a woman to suffer a miscarriage one month, but the next one does have a period. Or it can happen that two irregular cycles occur in the same month.

Why does this happen? These irregular rules tend to appear especially during perimenopause, before the actual arrival of menopause. In fact, for perimenopause to have ended it is necessary that more than 12 consecutive months have elapsed without the menstrual period.

In these cases, it is common for the menstrual period or rule to last more or less, and for the amount of bleeding to be more abundant or scarcer. That is, each month the amount and duration of bleeding can vary greatly. Further, It is common that menstruation does not appear for a month, and the following month appears on more than one occasion.

For these reasons, it is essential that during the first year there should be a contraceptive method, given that there are still possibilities of pregnancy.

It is essential to know that you are irregular rules are normal, especially when the woman is at the age of menopause appear

Do not be overwhelmed, but visit the gynecologist whenever you have doubts, which will help you to be calmer.

Risk of pregnancy in menopause

Although during the first phase of the menopause the ovaries tend to cease their activity, which very few women know is that this reduction is always done gradually.

Therefore, although it is true that the ability of women to conceive is significantly reduced, it is necessary to know that this capacity is not reduced or completely annulled, therefore there is a risk of pregnancy in menopause.

For this reason, it is useful - and necessary - how to avoid that risk of pregnancy, so that precisely this does not occur:

  • Even if you do not have menstruation, do not ignore contraceptive methods without a year has passed since you had the last rule.
  • You should always consult your doctor so he can recommend when to stop these methods, since many women can have a new period even after one year after the appearance of the amenorrhea.

Beware of bleeding after menopause

However, although at the beginning of menopause it is normal for women to have some menstrual periods, especially in a timely manner, When there is bleeding after menopause occurs, it is not as common or normal.

For this, it is useful to differentiate first if it is bleeding during or after menopause. That is, if it is bleeding during perimenopause (pre-menopausal stage in which there have been no menstrual periods for 12 months), or when it has already been 1 year or more since the arrival of the last period.

The reason is that any bleeding after menopause should be studied and investigated, since in many cases it can be due to any disorder, disease or condition, so that its causes have to be properly diagnosed. Among those common causes we can mention the following:

  • Polyps:They can cause intense or irregular and mild bleeding. They usually tend to be benign tumors, composed of a tissue similar to that existing in the endometrium.
  • Endometrial atrophy:It is common - and normal - that after menopause the thickness of the endometrium tends to shrink and decrease. However, when this reduction is very high it can cause bleeding
  • Hyperplasia of the endometrium:An increase in the thickness of the lining of the uterus can also occur. When this occurs, and if it is not controlled, an endometrial cancer can develop, since the endometrial cells grow without control, and cellular alterations can occur.
  • Endometrial, cervical or ovarian cancer:Although the most common tumor in the reproductive system of women is endometrial cancer, and one of the most common reasons why bleeding may occur after menopause, it is not the only one, since it can also be due to cancer of ovary or cervix.

Therefore, it is always necessary to go to the medical specialist to make a convenient physical and gynecological examination, together with the clinical history and the performance of different tests that may help the diagnosis, such as a transvaginal ultrasound, endometrial biopsy or hysteroscopy. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesMenopause

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