Is it advisable to wash the eggs?

There is no doubt that the eggs they become an extremely healthy and recommended food within a varied and balanced diet, thanks above all to their incredible nutritional wealth: they stand out for example because of their high content of good quality proteins (which means that it provides all the essential amino acids that our organism is not able to produce and synthesize by itself), besides being a very complete food for its composition in minerals and vitamins.

However, despite being a very healthy food from a nutritional point of view, the truth is that It stands out for being a food in whose skin we usually find a substrate for microbial growth that influences the appearance of certain food toxin infections, as for example is the case of salmonellosis.

That is why it is very important take extra precautions at home every time we cook and use the eggs in the kitchen. In this sense, it is normal that certain doubts arise related to the hygienic measures to adopt, and especially when these clash with practices considered common or habitual. For example, until a few years ago it was very normal to wash the eggs before use. But do you know what a complete mistake? We explain why.

No, it is not advisable or advisable to wash the eggs before storing them

Did you know that the shell of the egg acts as a protective barrier, extremely useful to prevent the entry of dangerous microorganisms inside? In this shell we find the cuticle, which is attached to the shell and which is ultimately the main protagonist when it comes to preventing bacteria from reaching the inside of the egg.

This cuticle acts by plugging the pores of the shell, so that it prevents the entry of microorganisms into the egg. It is composed of ovoporphyrin, a protein that is affected by time, light, heat and washing.

Thus, when we wash an egg before storing it in the kitchen we weaken it, so that We are facilitating the entry of microorganisms inside the food.

But it is advisable to do it only before its immediate use in the kitchen

However, the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) Yes, it is recommended to wash the egg with water and detergent only before its immediate use, finally clarifying and drying it with care with the help of single use kitchen paper.

That is, it is not advisable to wash the eggs for example when we buy them and place them in the refrigerator or refrigerator for later use, but it is appropriate to do just when we are going to use them in the kitchen.

We must also take into account other basic precautions, such as using another container only to break the egg, instead of on the edge of the same container that we are going to use to beat it or to prepare a sauce. In the same way, it is also essential to avoid possible risks and cross contamination by always cooking eggs independently.

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