Lavender honey, benefits and properties
In other articles of NatureVia we have informed about the benefits and properties that the honey It contributes to our organism, that excellent product manufactured by bees and that man has not yet been able to produce.
Honey itself gives us many benefits, helps us to strengthen our immune system, helps us to combat fatigue and fatigue, is a contribution of energy, relieves cough and sore throat, is antiseptic, and regenerative, also helps in the healing of wounds.
Varieties of honey are many and depending on the type of flower from which they come are attributed some properties or other benefits. The honeys that come from a single type of flower are called monofloral honey.
What is lavender honey? What does it consist of?
Lavender honey or lavender honey is produced by bees from the nectar of the flowers of Lavender Angustifolia Mili Y Lavándula Latifolia Hill. These flowers are very aromatic and from them the bees produce an excellent as well as exquisite honey.
As exquisite as it is subtle, we could describe lavender honey and I must confess that it has been a discovery for us.
These plants are also known as lavender and lavender honey that we can find in the market comes from different areas of Spain such as Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia, Castilla, Leon or Castilla La Mancha, where this flower grows in the fields abundantly.
It grows in sunny places, in the summer months between July and August, the colors of the lavender flowers are blue and violet, therefore we can find them of these two colors.
The lavender flower or lavender is very aromatic, hence this honey gives off a subtle smell of lavender.
The color of honey is usually clear, we can find them in light amber or white, with a sweet flavor, their texture is medium crystallization and fluid consistency.
Discover the benefits and properties of lavender honey
The properties of this plant are known since ancient times and since that time were used as a home remedy to cure ailments or conditions caused by colds and also for the health of the throat.
At present, its benefits and properties have been transferred from generation to generation and its use and consumption are currently advised to treat and cure other conditions of the respiratory tract as for diseases of the bronchi, for colds, cough and congestion of the respiratory tracts, for insect bites, superficial burns and for superficial wounds.
Lavender honey is considered an excellent antiseptic for both the bronchi and the lungsOther properties such as diuretic, sudorific, bactericidal, anti-infectious and antidiarrheal are also attributed to it.
Advice when buying lavender honey
When buying lavender honey or any other type of honey it is better to choose honeys from small producers and if they were not within our reach, look for the honeys that come with the AB labeling on the market, this labeling indicates that your provenance is of organic origin or organic farming.
We must also look at the label, which should include the data of the producer, seller, packer, as well as the geographical or botanical identification of where the product comes from.
How to preserve lavender honey
Honey should be protected from light, the best place, a cupboard or pantry. The ideal temperature for its conservation is between 15º C and 20º C.
We should not keep it in the fridge because the cold causes the honey to crystallize. Once we have opened it, we must make sure to close it again so that it stays well and does not lose its active ingredients.
The honeys usually come with a date of consumption, although this date is only an indication as the honeys do not spoil. With the passage of time they tend to crystallize but do not spoil. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesSweeteners