Losing weight with the vibrating platform
For some time we have been explaining and exposing you a series of interesting tricks, guidelines and basic tips that, in one way or another, can be of great help to you at the moment of lose weight.
To put just a few examples, there are plants and medicinal herbs highly suitable to lose those extra kilos; useful foods to lose weight, and even some adequate diets for precisely that purpose.
But if there is a great way to lose weight, with which we also remain active and enjoy a much healthier life, that is -without any doubt- the exercise.
In this aspect, it is lately becoming fashionable, both in Spain and in the rest of the world, a type of exercise in which the well-known vibrating platform, which among other aspects mainly stands out because it allows you to lose those extra pounds comfortably at home, and also without hardly moving!
This is because it is based on a type of vibratory training with which a series of direct vibrations are transmitted to our body that produce a rapid distension and contraction of the muscles at a speed much greater than that of a series of common exercises.
Utilities of the vibratory platform in vibratory training
As we have explained in the previous lines in a very summarized way, the vibrating platform They transmit a series of direct vibrations to our body that produce a rapid distension and contraction of the muscles at a speed much greater than that of a series of common exercises.
This means that you get absolutely the same exercises as with a common exercise routine, but in a much faster and without physical effort.
Therefore, several are the virtues of this platform, among which weight loss, elimination of cellulite, improved muscle tone, and reduce the production of stress hormones; so it also helps you relax. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist.