Macadamia nuts: benefits and main properties

Although they are a little unknown, the macadamia nuts (or also known as "Australian") enclose all kinds of benefits for our health. For this reason, through the following lines we will go desgranando all the advantages that enclose these nuts that are characterized by having a taste and texture of the most characteristic.

But first of all, we are going to investigate some of the curiosities of these fruits. These types of nuts come from ' macadamia tetraphylla ', a tree that in normal conditions exceeds ten meters in height. On the other hand, the leaves can reach an extension of more than thirty centimeters.

It is estimated that the cultivation of this plant began to occur throughout all the territories of Queensland and New South Wales around the year 1880 by the native Australians of that region.

After this, its export and consumption throughout Europe and America began to grow as the foam since the early twentieth century. And in fact, it has been a couple of decades since the plantation of macadamia was introduced in other countries such as Mexico.

What nutrients do the macademia nuts have?

It should be noted that the nuts of academia are some fruits that have an infinity of nutrients which turn out to be most beneficial for our health. Among all of them, we will do a distinction as follows:

  • Among those that stand out proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. Then we will tell you how these nutrients can help you when it comes to strengthening your health.
  • Macadamia nuts are also very rich in vitamins of type A, E and B along with a multitude of elements such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and selenium.

Benefits of macademia nuts

As you can see, these small nuts contain inside all kinds of nutrients that are going to be the most beneficial to strengthen our whole body and gain in quality of life.

Would you like to know some of them? If so, we are going to ask you not to lose sight of the following lines.

Reduce blood cholesterol levels

Academic nuts can become powerful allies when it comes to reduce blood cholesterol levels, a condition that can later lead to more serious diseases such as myocardial infarction.

In this sense, this fruit is composed almost in a 80% of a monounsaturated fat that encourages the elimination of this LDL cholesterol that can adhere to the walls of our veins and arteries.

They help burn fat and lift our spirits

Omega 3 acid and consists of being a natural fat that is also very present in the macademia nuts. And you know what this means, right? Well, this element will reduce the chances of suffering any insufficiency cardiac that so often appears every time at younger ages.

This nutrient also favors all the metabolism and therefore can help us lose those kilos more than so present are after the summer. It also improves our mood and prevents the appearance of any stress or anxiety picture.

They improve our whole digestive system and give us energy

Finally, it should be noted that macadamia nuts also have a high fiber content. This means that they can also avoid unlock all our intestinal calculus and therefore encourage us to go more often to the bathroom.

All this without mentioning that this situation will prevent us from suffering any diarrhea or constipation in the future. They are also a great power source and in fact there are many athletes who take it before doing any sports practice.

Macadamia nuts: nutritional content

100 grams of Macadamia nuts provide:

  • Calories: 840 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 13 g
  • Proteins: 10 g
  • Total fat: 75 g
  • Dietary fiber: 9 g
  • Fatty acids: monounsaturated (60 g.), Polyunsaturated (1 g.), Saturated (12 g.)
  • Vitamins: vitamin C (1.2 mg.) And vitamin E (0.5 mg.)
  • Minerals: potassium (368 mg.), Phosphorus (195 mg.), Calcium (108 mg.) And iron (2 mg.)
This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesNuts

Ketogenic Diet: Best / Worst Nuts to Eat: Thomas DeLauer (March 2024)