Miscarriage is related to the day of implantation

It seems that every time they discover new Causes that can cause the pregnancy not to come to term, especially during first weeks of pregnancy, when there is a greater risk (especially and especially between weeks 6 and 8).

The truth is that miscarriage is more common than you think; Obviously, most women do not count on having an abortion before their new pregnancy, or even if they already have some children. The statistics are clear in this regard: a quarter of pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion.

In fact, while the risk of spontaneous abortion in a woman between 20 and 30 years old is 12%, between 30 and 40 years the risk increases to 15%; however, after 40 years, the risk increases 10 points (up to 25%).

Most abortions occur before the 24th week of pregnancy, the most common being those that occur before week 12, mostly as a consequence of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, and these occur in a fortuitous way, not having to be related to genetic problems in the mother or in the father.

Until a few years ago it was suspected that spontaneous abortion could have a special relationship with the day of implantation; that is, with the day in which the fertilized ovum was implanted.

Recently, a study published in the The New England Journal of Medicine, has revealed that spontaneous abortion is also related to the day of implantation, so that:

  • If the embryo adheres (implants) nine days after fertilization, the risk of abortion is 13%.
  • If the embryo is implanted ten days later, the risk of abortion increases to 26%.
  • If the embryo is implanted eleven days later, the risk of abortion increases to 52%.
  • If the embryo is implanted later the risk increases to 82%.

The reasons why the risk of spontaneous abortion increases when there is a late implantation are several:

  • The receptivity of the endometrium decreases during the late luteal phase, which translates into the fact that the woman's body is even wiser than we think, given that we would be faced with a natural mechanism through which damaged embryos are eliminated.
  • The corpus luteum is less sensitive to the hormone chorionic gonadotropin 11 or 12 days after ovulation.
  • Unhealthy embryos may develop more slowly, influencing an abnormal implantation that results in the late and weaker production of the hCG hormone.

Therefore, as a conclusion of the study, when implantation occurs between 8 and 10 days after ovulation, pregnancy is much healthier, reducing the risk of miscarriage.

What is the implantation?

Before talking about implantation we should talk about the name implantation bleeding, since it occurs as a result of the fertilized egg being implanted or nested in the uterus.

It is a type of light bleeding, lighter texture, less thick, and whose color may vary from pink to a little more brownish.

We understand by implantation at the moment in which the zygote reaches the uterus and adheres solidly to the endometrium, where it will be nourished by the maternal blood.

Right from the moment the conception occurs, your organism "actively" works to accommodate a new life. Therefore just after fertilization, cell division occurs, so that in the first 12 hours the unicellular zygote is divided into two cells, and these in turn are divided into two others (and so continues, doubling every 12 hours ).

Meanwhile, the zygote moves through the fallopian tubes, until it reaches the uterus, at which point it sticks to the wall until it begins to produce enzymes that will help it digest the lining of the uterus, allowing it to nest in the endometrium.

On what day does the implantation take place?

After conception, implantation usually occurs 7 to 10 days after fertilization. In fact, the most usual thing is that by day 12 the blastocyst has already nested in the endometrium, which we could consider as their new "home".

More information | Time of Implantation of the Conceptus and Loss of Pregnancy (in English) This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesAbortion

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