Nolotil: what it is, what it is for, adverse effects and generic


  • What is Nolotil?
  • What is it for
  • When is it appropriate to take it?
  • Generic of nolotil
  • Side effects

What is Nolotil? What does it consist of?

We must bear in mind, from the start, that under the name of Nolotil we are in fact faced with the commercial brand of a highly consumed drug in our country, which can also be acquired as a generic medicine. In fact, it is possible that in your country it is known by another name, given that today it is marketed under a wide variety of commercial brands.

Its active principle is metamizole, also known medically with the designation of dipyrone, so it is a drug belonging to the family of pyrazolones (a group of drugs used to treat pain and fever).

The Nolotil is part of the group of medicines known as other analgesics and antipyretics, and is mainly used for treatment of acute post-operative or post-traumatic pain, while it is also useful in cases of colic and of tumoral origin, as well as in cases of high fever that does not respond to other antipyretic medications.

It stands out precisely because it is one of the most consumed drugs in our country; in fact, it is among the 10 most sold drugs in Spain. Reason why it is important not only to know what it is, but what is your field of action. That is, when it is most appropriate to take it, and under what circumstances, to be truly effective.

That is, it is a medicine whose effects are mainly analgesic, antipyretic and spasmolytic, whose active principle is the magnesium metamizole.

As with other NSAIDs, the main advantage of Nolotil is that it does not affect only the protective mucosa of the stomach, which prevents episodes of gastrointestinal bleeding.

What is Nolotil for?

There are several qualities that Nolotil offers us. It is a drug with effect analgesic, which means that it helps to calm the pain. It is also antipyretic, which means that it helps to lower the fever, and is in fact used when the high fever does not respond to another antipyretic drug.

Finally, it is also spasmolytic, what is translated in that it is a medicine that helps to calm the pain caused by organs and viscera (as it happens for example with the colics of kidney and with the biliary colics), or the one caused by muscular spasms.

The Nolotil is useful in the following conditions:

  • It is mainly used for the treatment of mild and moderate pain.
  • For the treatment of acute post-operative pain.
  • For the treatment of acute post-traumatic pain.
  • In case of colic-type pain.
  • In case of pain of tumoral origin.
  • In the treatment of high fever, when it has not responded to other antipyretic drugs.

Although it is a very sold drug in Spain, in some countries of the European Union (as in the case of the United Kingdom), as well as in the United States and Australia its sale is prohibited, mainly since the 70's Several studies described cases of agranulocytosis after the administration of metamizole. However, in other countries such as Sweden it was banned at the beginning and finally its approval was decided years later.

Agranulocytosis is a very rare but potentially fatal disease, consisting of a severe decrease in the granulocytes (a specific type of white blood cells) in the blood, which are the first to fight infections.

However, it must be said that, in fact, the cases of agranulocytosis due to the intake of metamizole are actually very rare, since there are between 0.2 and 10 cases per million inhabitants.

Why then is it sold in our country? Fundamentally due to the existence of a low risk of agranulocytosis, which did not lead to its prohibition but to a much closer monitoring of this adverse effect.

In addition, several studies showed that the Anglo-Saxons and Scandinavians are much more vulnerable to the adverse effect of metamizol than the inhabitants of both the Mediterranean and Latin American countries, as they are more vulnerable. Hence, this drug is prohibited in some countries, and not in others.

When is it appropriate to take Nolotil, and in what quantity?

On the one hand, we must bear in mind that we are faced with a drug whose use does not require a medical prescription. This translates into something very simple: it can be acquired freely at the pharmacy, either under its brand name or as a generic medicine.

That said, many medical specialists advise taking Nolotil in case of pain after an operation or trauma, when you suffer from cramping pain, or for example to a toothache.

On the other hand, they also advise taking Nolotil in the recommended amounts for high fever, especially if it has not responded well to other antipyretics.

According to the Recommended amount of Nolotil, we can usually find it in hard capsules of 575 mg. In these cases, in adults and adolescents older than 15 years, the usual dose is in a capsule three or four times a day. Always accompanied by a large glass of water.

And how long does it take to make an effect?. The usual thing is that its analgesic or antipyretic effect is felt only between thirty to sixty minutes after its administration.

What are the alternatives to Nolotil? The main generics

Although nolotil is a very popular medicine, did you know that it is possible to choose a generic with similar or similar action? This will help you find drugs with identical action (that is, equally effective), with the difference that their price will probably be cheaper and more affordable.

In this sense, you can find metamizol as a generic of nolotil, and although it may surprise you, the truth is that at this time you will find it at the same price as the "original" drug at the pharmacy.

Side effects of Nolotil

One of the main side effects of Nolotil is that it can cause agranulocytosis, a condition in which the person stops producing white blood cells(specifically neutrophils), which are of vital importance for the proper functioning of our immune system. As a result, you tend to be at a higher risk of infection.

On the other hand, it can also cause allergic reactions, as well as arterial hypotension (that is, a voltage drop).

Although it is an analgesic that does not affect the stomach (as, for example, ibuprofen does), it can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, especially when its consumption is exceeded.

Remember that the consumption of medications without prescription, recommendation and medical monitoring can be very dangerous. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesAnti-inflammatory

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