Nori seaweed: properties and benefits

Although it is true that they are still a novelty in our diet, it is also true that the number of people who tend to include them in the kitchen tends to be greater. We talk to you about the seaweed, highly consumed in countries such as Japan, which in fact becomes the country with the highest consumption of algae per inhabitant.

Explained in a simple way, we can tell you that the algae they are plants of sweet or salty water that count on the same cycles that the terrestrial plants. Of course, they grow, reproduce and die without the intervention of sowing or irrigation.

There are varieties of algae that are better known than others, such as, for example, the spirulina, fucus or kombu. Although we can also find other lesser-known species, such as the case of cochayuyo seaweed.

But the one known as nori seaweed It also becomes another seaweed whose consumption is extremely interesting, especially for its nutritional contribution. For example, as we will see below, it stands out for its high contribution in minerals and proteins.

Although its color before being used in the kitchen is green, the truth is that when it is used in Japanese cuisine it is more usual to tend to become dark, rather black.

Do you know what the nori seaweed is?

The nori seaweed It is a species or type of alga of small size, characteristic appearance and a color that changes depending on its state: for example, when it is cooked its appearance is green, while when it dries its color turns black.

It is, in fact, a Japanese term with which an interesting group of edible seaweed is known, belonging to the species of red algaePorphyra.

For this reason it is also common to find different dishes and recipes that bear this name. In this sense, for example, the delicious and traditional are popular sushi(preparation of rice with rice vinegar, sugar and salt accompanied by seaweed, vegetables, fish and shellfish). Or the onigiri, a wonderful rice ball filled or mixed.

Benefits of nori seaweed

Wealth in iodine, useful against hypothyroidism

As with most marine algae (as is the case with cochayuyo algae), being very rich in iodine, it is useful for the prevention of goiter, which consists of an increase in the size of the thyroid gland, causing an increase of size both of the anterior part and of the lower part of the neck, becoming a very visible disorder.

It is also useful in the prevention of hypothyroidism, a disease of the thyroid gland characterized precisely by a decrease in the functional activity of this gland.

Therefore, its use is not recommended in people with hyperthyroidism.

Help in case of high cholesterol

In case of high levels of fats in blood (both cholesterol and triglycerides), the nori seaweed helps to reduce it, thanks to the fact that it is able to eliminate fats from the blood. Why? We must find this quality in its high fiber content, which carries cholesterol through the stool.

Rich in proteins

As with other edible seaweeds, noted for its high protein content. In fact, from a nutritional point of view it is estimated that more than a quarter of its content are proteins.

High content of minerals and vitamins

As with most seaweeds that can be consumed, in the case of nori algae it stands out mainly for its high mineralizing power, highlighting especially its mineral content.

In this sense, the presence of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iodine and iron stands out.

It also stands out for its high vitamin content, particularly the B vitamins, which help the proper functioning of the nervous system. It also highlights its high content in provitamin A.

But there is no doubt that if there is a vitamin that stands out equally is the vitamin C, becoming in fact an excellent source, since only a sheet of nori is able to contribute 10% of the recommended daily amount of this vitamin.

Nutritional properties of nori seaweed

100 grams of dried part of nori seaweed provide:

  • Energy:117 Kcal.
  • Carbohydrates:43.1 gr.
  • Proteins:29 gr.
  • Fat:0.3 gr.
  • Fiber:34 gr.
  • Minerals:sodium (3,100 mg), potassium (2,030 mg), calcium (330 mg), phosphorus (235 mg), iron (24 mg).
  • Vitamins:vitamin A (36 mg), vitamin B12 (0.3 mg), vitamin C (12 mg).

Contraindications of nori seaweed, when its consumption is not recommended?

As with most marine algae, due to its high sodium content (remember that 100 grams of nori seaweed provide around 3,100 mg of sodium), It is not a recommended food for people with hypertension, since its consumption tends to raise the already high blood pressure levels even more.This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist.

Nori Seaweed - What it is and its Health Benefits (September 2024)