Pain in the chest: main causes

It is true that we all tend to feel some nervousness and worry when we have a chest pain, before the possibility that -for example- we are facing a heart attack or heart attack. In fact, when we start to feel some discomfort that might make us suspect that we might be suffering from a heart attack, all the alarms tend to jump.

As many specialists say, we must bear in mind that there are different types of pain, so that their differentiation could indicate to us what type of pathology or disorder we are.

Obviously, When the pain in the chest is very strong and intense it is very important to go to the doctor as soon as possible (or emergency room if necessary), as the saying goes, it's better to prevent than to cure, because in this sense it is not advisable to risk ourselves.

However, luckily, in most cases the pain in the chest is usually caused by minor problems. It can even be produced by a bad movement and by muscular tensions.

Causes of chest pain

Pulmonary or pulmonary embolism

It occurs, for example, if when you try to breathe you feel a twinge in the chest, due above all to the lack of air. The pneumonia It is a disease also known as pneumonia, consisting of an infectious disease usually caused by bacteria (especially pneumococci). However, less often it is caused by viruses or fungi.

The different pathogenic organisms enter the lungs through respiratory droplets expelled when talking, coughing or sneezing, and end up triggering the inflammation of the lung tissue.

Breakage of the wall of an aortic vein

It presents as a pain that tends to expand in the back. If you also have the arterial hypertension It is possible that you have to operate urgently. This dissection occurs very frequently as a consequence of the rupture or damage to the inner wall of the aorta.

As this rupture extends along the wall of the aorta, blood tends to run between the layers of the blood vessel wall, causing ischemia (decreased blood flow to the organs).

Only punctures in the chest

When the pain is only throbbing in the chest, it is possible that the pain is of muscular origin. You can check if, for example, when you take a deep breath or change your position, the sting is even greater.


It consists of an inflammation of the layer that covers the heart. It is presented as general pain, which tends to be relieved when you lean forward. It is also possible to have pains for the rest of the body, nasal congestion and fever.

Gastrointestinal reflux

The one called as reflux or heartburn It's very common. It is due to the acidity produced by food when there is reflux, and tends to appear shortly after eating. His symptom is clear: a burning or burning sensation that rises from the stomach.

Angina of chest or infarct

Both angina pectoris and heart attack are the most dangerous. The truth is that the pain that appears is characteristic: it appears as a strong pressure on the left side of the chest or in the middle. We must not forget that chest pain is not the only symptom that occurs when we are suffering from a heart attack. In fact, in addition, it can give other symptoms such as sweating, nausea and vomiting.

What causes chest pain & what to do? (April 2024)