Pancreas pain: symptoms, causes and treatment

The pain in the pancreas It can be produced mainly by a strong swelling in this organ that is located in the back of our stomach. It is what is also known as pancreatitis, a condition that usually appears more in men than in women and that most of the time is caused by a malfunction at the time of synthesizing all those nutrients that end up in the intestine.

And what causes can there be after pancreas pain? Well, the most common of all is usually an excessive consumption of alcohol. It is estimated that more than 70% of cases of pancreatitis are related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. What's more, if you continue to drink excessively, after two or five years this pain can lead to other more serious diseases such as pancreatic cancer.

It is also possible to suffer from this ailment due to poor functioning of the bile ducts. A poor diet (especially in saturated fats or triglycerides) can cause the duct that connects the pancreas with the intestine is blocked, causing the bile can not flow normally.

This then results in a strong swelling throughout the area of ​​the pancreas. You can also suffer this pain because of the call cystic fibrosis (mucosal accumulation through all the walls of the lungs) or through a simple injury in the pancreas after an accident.

What are the symptoms of pancreatic pain?

The symptoms of pancreatic pain can be very varied. The first of all of them is obviously a strong disease throughout the abdomen area to which a swelling of the most severe can also be attached.

The pain can even be aggravated after eating any food, especially if the foods that were taken had a high fat content.

It can also increase if you sleep on your back and can even spread to other areas of the body such as the back and shoulder blade. From there, the following symptoms may arise:

  • High fever. In the face of pain, the body reacts by raising body temperature as a defense mechanism.
  • Nausea and vomiting. It is very possible that after eating any food, the person who suffers this pain feels a great discomfort in the form of nausea and vomiting.
  • After the swelling it is also likely that hypo pictures appear that are so annoying.
  • Sweating High fever can cause the patient to suffer from severe sweating.
  • Increase in bilirubin.As the pancreas does not work in the right way, this can cause an increase in the segregation of bilirubin, a natural component that can yellow our eyes, skin, stool and urine.

Where does the pain in the pancreas feel?

We must first take into account that the pancreas is an organ that we find located behind the stomach. This means that, in most cases, when the cause of the pain is the pancreas, it tends to be felt in the upper left or middle quadrant of the abdomen.

What treatment is there for pancreas pain?

Once the first symptoms of pancreas pain appear, the first thing to do is go to the doctor as soon as possible. From there, you can implement some of these treatments:

  • Analgesics. There are many medications that although they will not make this ailment disappear, they will at least help alleviate their symptoms.
  • Drinking fluids intravenously. In this way, the activity of the pancreas is reactivated more slowly and smoothly without causing organ damage.
  • Drainage of bile fluid. As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, it can happen that the bile is stored through the ducts of the pancreas, creating a blockage that can later translate into intense pain. For this, it is best to take an x-ray in this area and then practice a small incision to get rid of gallstones. Although this is only recommended in the most serious cases.
ThemesDiseases of the pancreas Pancreas

Pancreatitis - Acute (April 2024)