Papaya seeds: benefits and properties

The papaya It is one of those delicious fruits whose benefits and properties make it an ideal food for the stomach. Thanks to its content in papain, an enzyme beneficial to our digestive system for its digestive qualities, helping in a very positive way when it comes to digesting proteins.

It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is an ideal fruit for people suffering from irritable bowel or intestinal ulcers. In addition, it provides a laxative effect, which is why its consumption is also recommended for those suffering from constipation.

Although the papaya It is one of the most consumed fruits, it is usual that when you remove your skin, split it and eat it we end up throwing away an authentic 'treasure' for our health and that we find inside: the papaya seeds.

Beneficial to take care of the liver

Unlike what happens with milk thistle or artichoke, which are much better known foods to purify the liver and take care of it naturally, we could say that papaya seeds are the forgotten ones.

They are in fact particularly interesting in case of hepatic cirrhosis, being useful as a natural and alternative treatment.

These qualities increase considerably if they are also consumed with infusion of dandelion or artichoke.

Protectors of the stomach

Papaya seeds are suitable in case of stomach infections, being useful in case of salmonella and infection by Staphylococcus. Especially if they are consumed together with chamomile infusion, and are consumed three times a day.

Good for improving intestinal health and eliminating intestinal parasites

Papaya seeds are especially rich in proteolytic enzymes. These enzymes improve our intestinal health, and are especially suitable at the time of eliminate intestinal parasites as well as their eggs.

On the other hand, also in its composition we find an anthelmintic alkaloid known by the name of carpaine, especially effective to eliminate and exterminate amoebas in a completely natural way.

Beneficial for the kidneys

They are especially useful for purifying the kidneys. Not in vain, many specialists advise consumption in case of suffering renal insufficiency, since they help to protect the kidneys against the different conditions that may occur as this failure progresses.

Ideal to lose weight and burn fat

They are also interesting when you are following a diet of slimming or weight control, since they help prevent the body from absorbing excess fats. Also, by speeding up the digestion process they are ideal for losing weight.

How to consume papaya seeds?

  • For the liver: grind 7 seeds of papaya and mix it with a spoonful of lemon juice. Consume 2 times a day for a month.
  • For the digestive and intestinal system: chew 8 papaya seeds very well. Consume 3 times a day.
  • For the kidneys: chew 8 papaya seeds very well. Consume 3 times a day.
  • To lose weight: chew 5 seeds of papaya very well before each meal.

Images | Quinn Dombrowski / Gilberto Santa Rosa This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesSeeds Food

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