Pasta recipes for children easy to make at home

Both in spring and in winter, pasta is a truly beneficial food for the body. And, in addition, it usually likes a lot to the smallest of the house. In fact, there are a number of wonderful sauces that can combine very well with pasta dishes.

An example of this is the wonderful basil sauce, traditional and classic where they are, also known popularly with the name of pesto, a delicious sauce with a characteristic green color that is made precisely with fresh basil leaves.

But for when it is a little hot and we want cold dishes that help us mitigate the high temperatures, din doubt a good option are the popular pasta salads, which consist precisely in that: cold pasta dishes ideal for spring or summer.

If you run out of ideas to prepare delicious dishes with pasta for children, here are some suggestions.

Italian-style spaghetti with bacon and eggs (carbonara type)


  • 350 grams of spaghetti
  • 150 grams of bacon
  • 75 grams of butter
  • 75 grams of grated Parmesan cheese
  • ½ glass of oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 10 cl of liquid cream
  • Water and salt

Recipe step by step

  1. Cook the spaghetti without chopping them in boiling water plenty of salt. They should be rather firm.
  2. Meanwhile the bacon is removed, cut into 1 cm wide strips and fry in a little hot oil. It is removed and reserved.
  3. When the spaghetti is cooked, drain it in a large colander and cover it with a clean cloth so it does not get cold.
  4. In a large saucepan put the butter to melt without browning; add the fried bacon and the 4 beaten eggs as for tortilla and liquid cream. Next, add the spaghetti, the pinch of aromatic herbs and the grated cheese, and stir well until it is well mixed.
  5. It is placed in a previously heated deep dish and served immediately with the hot dishes.

Macaroni with tin tuna


  • 350 grams of macaroni
  • 1 small can of tuna to the natural
  • 4 tablespoons of oil
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 3 large ripe tomatoes
  • 1 good pinch of aromatic herbs
  • 30 grams of butter
  • ½ glass of white wine
  • 50 grams of cheese
  • Salt

Recipe step by step

  1. The macaroni is cooked and, once cooled, the sauce is prepared.
  2. In a saucepan put the oil to heat, onion and garlic are peeled and very chopped, until they become transparent.
  3. The peeled tomatoes are incorporated, cut into pieces and the seeds removed; they crush well with the edge of the spoon and add the wine, sugar, salt and the pinch of aromatic herbs. Cook about 15 minutes.
  4. The macaroni, the piece of butter, the grated cheese and the tuna in small pieces are poured into the sauce.
  5. It is stirred together and served.

Meat cannelloni


  • 1 pack of 12 cannelloni

Ingredients for the stuffing

  • 150 grams of minced beef
  • 1 chicken breast
  • 1 lamb
  • 50 grams of foie gras
  • 1 small onion
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 30 grams of butter
  • 75 grams of cheese


  • 30 grams of butter
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • ¾ liter of cold milk
  • 2 tablespoons of flour
  • Salt

Recipe step by step

  1. Cannelloni filling can be done in several ways. The base is always a remnant of beef, which is passed through the meat mincer. Then, it is mixed with the brains of lamb previously washed and cooked, as well as with foie gras and a chicken breast. The important thing is to mix the meat with one or several things that give it flavor and lightness. It is also very tasty frying a small onion with a little tomato and making a paste with all this.
  2. In a small pan, put the 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Once you have peeled the onion and chopped, throw it inside. When the onion becomes transparent, add 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce. This is mixed with the already chopped meat and everything that is added to it.
  3. The drained cannelloni are filled on a clean cloth, rolled up and placed in an oven-resistant glass dish.
  4. A part is made a béchamel rather clarita. Then add what is left of the tomato sauce. It is poured over the cannelloni, passing through the Chinese or through a sieve with large holes.
  5. To finish, sprinkle with a little grated cheese to taste, put the butter that is in pieces like hazelnuts. They are put in the oven for about 20 minutes to cook.

When the surface is well browned, it is taken out of the oven. It is served about 5 minutes later, because it is a dish that retains a lot of heat.

Indian Style Macaroni Pasta Recipe | Kids Lunch Box / Indian Style Recipes (September 2024)