Persimmon: a sweet and healthy fruit

The khaki It's one of those fruits exquisite that stand out not only for being one of the sweetest, but because it is a fruit rich in both vitamins and minerals. It is a typically autumnal fruit, known precisely for being a natural food characteristic and characteristic of autumn, in the same way that happens with other similar foods, as for example is the case of the wonderful figs.

For this main reason, it is a fruit that contains a large amount of benefits and properties, becoming a really healthy food, ideal for all kinds of people. As a curiosity, we can indicate in some places this fruit is known by the name of "palo de santo", mainly because persimmons They usually mature in November, for the "Todos los Santos" festival.

However, it is true that since a long time before we can begin to enjoy this delicious, wonderful and exquisite fruit. In fact, as we will know before finalizing this note, it is very common to find it in the market from the end of September, especially and more especially from mid-October to the month of December.

What is persimmon?

The khaki It is a popular fruit also known by the name of Lignum vitaeor equally as kaki, which belongs to the family ofEbanáceas. In regard to its characteristics, the most popular variety is characterized by a yellow or orange color, slightly dry leaves on the upper part and soft outer skin.

The most common is precisely the variety cultivated especially in China, which has the appearance widely known by all: yellow, red or orange, with pulp of equally orange and juicy but slightly rough.

How many types of persimmons are there?

Fundamentally there are three varieties, whose characteristics are different:

  • Persimmon from China:D. kaki, stands out for being the most cultivated and consumed variety. In fact, it is the species that we usually find in the market during the autumn months. It weighs between 80 and 250 grams, with orange flesh and color that ranges from yellow to orange, also passing through red.
  • American persimmon:Also known as Virginia persimmon (D. virginiana), its color is yellow or orange and its cultivation is not as common.
  • Japan persimmon:D. lotus, it is a variety of persimmon cultivated today in Italy or Asia, and its appearance and texture is quite similar to Chinese persimmon.

Benefits and properties of the persimmon

As we commented in a summarized way in a previous line, the persimmons They stand out because they have many vitamins (beta carotene, provitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1 and B2), and minerals (such as potassium).

Not to mention that it is a fruit rich in both water (ideal for fluid retention) as in soluble fiber, which means that it is a good alternative for those who suffer from constipation.

However, if what is suffered is diarrhea, to achieve this effect the persimmon should not be consumed mature, since this allows it to have a greater amount in tannins and thus exerts an astringent effect.

It is also good for those who suffer from high cholesterol, since it retains the cholesterol that is in the digestive tract, helping a part of it to be eliminated by the faeces. It is also very good for people who have hypertension.

Given its potassium content, those who suffer from kidney failure should opt for persimmon in their daily diet, by helping control this mineral.

It can be consumed at any time of the day, and it must be a very considered fruit for young people, adults, seniors and athletes, and children in periods of growth, as well as during pregnancy.

When does the season of the persimmon begin?

We could say that the persimmon is a typically autumnal fruit, which basically means that we are facing a natural food whose season begins precisely when the autumn begins. And when does this happen?

We can, for example, take a look at food season calendarto discover that, indeed, the ideal time of the persimmon (that is, when we will find this fruit in the market), coincides with the autumn months; that is, between the months of October November and December.

Therefore, during these months, especially from the end of September, we can start to find the two main varieties of persimmons in the markets of fresh fruits, vegetables and vegetables. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist.

Best Part of the Persimmon Fruit that Nobody Ever Told You About (March 2024)