Pregnancy week 1

First week of pregnancy. The most important:

You are in the first week of pregnancy. There is little left for ovulation, and also for you to get pregnant if you have unprotected sex.

Week 1 of pregnancy (Pregnancy has not yet begun).

If you want to get pregnant is an excellent time to start taking more folic acid. The advisable thing, even, is that if the pregnancy is programmed you have begun to take some supplement a few months before.

It is still early to get a pregnancy test. It is very likely that the result is negative.

We are without doubt in front of what many experts tend to call a wonderful countdown, in which the embryo begins to grow and develop. We have already passed by the time of the conception, just after the ovaries have released an egg and, after having had unprotected sex, he has found a sperm, which fertilized him after a long path of 18 centimeters (which is what separates the vagina from the fallopian tube).

However, during these first days and weeks of pregnancy (until approximately week 4), it is extremely difficult and complicated to fix the moment in which the conception occurred. That is, the exact and precise moment in which the sperm fertilized the egg.

For this reason, a specific moment of pregnancy is established depending not on the moment of conception -because it is very complicated to fix-, but on the first day of the last menstrual period, and that will serve precisely as a starting point to set the 40 weeks of pregnancy (approximately 280 days), and have in turn an approximate or probable date of delivery. This date of the last menstrual period will be noted in the prenatal history as UPM (date of the Last Menstrual Period).

How many weeks am I? How to calculate the week in which I am pregnant?

We must bear in mind that many experts even point out that fertilization takes place in the second week. Therefore, it is evident that we still can not talk about pregnancy under the strict terms of the current dating system, which ultimately tends to produce so much confusion. That's why you should actually wait a few more weeks before you're really pregnant.

That is to say, the weeks of pregnancy are counted from the first day of the last period. And it is evident that, in those moments you were not pregnant yet. If we also consider that ovulation occurs 14 or 15 days after menstruation, and that it is in these days when fertilization of the egg occurs, there is actually a lag of about 14 days between the actual age of the embryo and the weeks of pregnancy.

Anyway, considering when it was the first day of your last menstrual period it is possible to establish how many weeks you are, especially if you have already had the first offense. And, for that reason, we should always keep in mind that the conception date is only an estimate approximate

Let's take an example. If your last menstruation came on June 10, this information will help your gynecologist to start counting 40 weeks from this day, since fertilization occurs about 2 weeks after (15 days), and fertilization also. Starting to count on June 10, if for example today was July 14 you would find yourself in week 5 of pregnancy, which would actually be week 4 and 6 days of pregnancy. In addition, it is possible to establish an approximate date of delivery: March 17 of next year.

Can I have a pregnancy test?

Since we are still in the first weeks of pregnancy, in which fertilization has not yet occurred (remember that we are 15 days behind the dateofficial of pregnancy), at the moment it is not possible to perform a test to confirm the pregnancy, since it is still too early and it is very likely that the result is negative.

This is what usually happens when you perform the test very quickly, before the first lack of menstruation.

For this reason, many gynecologists and even the manufacturers of home pregnancy tests (urine) advise to perform the test after the first fault. That is, a day or two after the time when menstruation should have reached you (especially if your menstrual cycle is regular). This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

1 Week Pregnant | What To Expect (April 2024)