Red cabbage: properties and benefits

The Lombarda is a type of cabbage that, in a certain sense, has all the characteristics that the cabbage, but which, in turn, we can also find in winter.

It can be eaten both raw and cooked, or even in the form of garnish, although in order to get all of its benefits and properties, it is much more advisable to boil first about five minutes in salt water with a splash of lemon (what is called "bleaching").

So that the red cabbage does not lose its vitamins and nutrients, the deal is to cook it to the point (approximately 40 minutes on a low heat).

Benefits of red cabbage

Count with one antioxidant very good for the eyes, the immune system and the heart, called anthocyanin, which is precisely the pigment that gives it that purple, almost purple color so characteristic of the Lombarda.

Precisely thanks to its antioxidant action it is anticancer, and stands out for its great contribution in selenium, which helps protect our heart, prevent and fight different types of cancer, reduce stress, and even prevent male sterility.

In addition, in its composition we also find folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin B3 and zinc.

Nutritional values ​​of red cabbage

  • Calories: 25 calories per 100 grams of product.
  • Vitamins: vitamin C, beta-carotenes and provitamin A.
  • Rich in fiber.
  • Minerals: sulfur.

More information | Consumer Eroski This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist.