Royal jelly: benefits, properties and contraindications

The Royal jelly It is one of the most natural supplements that can exist, since it has essential components that help maintain the body's balance. It is a semifluid product with a yellowish white color and a slightly acid taste. It is the food of the larvae of the worker bees and the drones until their third day, that of the queen larvae until the fifth day, and that of the adult queen during practically all their life.

It is a total and completely natural substance, so that no other food can be compared with it, especially from a nutritional point of view, as we will discover in detail throughout this article.

What is the royal jelly of bees?

As we mentioned briefly in the previous lines, Royal jelly is a completely natural substance made by bees. Specifically, and to be more precise, it is a substance secreted by worker bees between 5 to 15 days (young), which produce it from the different hypopharyngeal glands that we find in your head.

In turn, this substance is mixed with stomach secretions, and it becomes the food of excellence for all larvae during the first days of life, moment after which they go on to consume a kind of concentrate of water, honey and pollen.

With the exception of the queen bee and the larvae of real cells, which will always be fed with this substance, which ensures not only their survival but the possibility of achieving a larger size and a better vitality for reproduction.

An example about its qualities can be found in the latter, because although a worker bee tends to live no more than 45 days, the queen bee is able to live up to 5 years (there is nothing).

How is the royal jelly?

If at any time you have consumed it or have seen it in herbalists and specialized diet stores, it is quite likely that you already know what royal jelly is like. Otherwise, you will be surprised to know that consists of an extremely viscous, whitish yellow substance. Also, you should know that its flavor is acidic.

Benefits of royal jelly

Among some of the benefits and most important properties of royal jelly, until these precise moments are known to have numerous dietary, therapeutic and nutritional advantages, as well as being able to help in the prevention of different nutritional deficiencies.

Royal jelly tends to be used for example in cases of depression, convalescence of diseases, fatigue, or weakness motivated for example by moods.

It is also ideal for example during the growth phase both in childhood and adolescence, and even as a tonic in states such as menopause.

It also has an interesting regulatory action on the appetite of those anorexics, so it could be useful, for example, in the recovery of asthenic diseases.

But this is not everything, since in addition to having certain antiviral and antibacterial properties (thus helping to improve defenses), it helps even reduce cholesterol levels.

Also, if you find yourself in periods of study or work in which you need to improve concentration and boost body energy levels, royal jelly could become the best of allies.

The properties of the most important royal jelly

Although in the previous lines we have summarized what are the benefits of royal jelly, this time we will discover more about its most important qualities. We reveal them to you in the following sections.

Excellent in case of flu, colds and colds

As with natural products such as honey, Royal jelly is very beneficial in case of flu, cold or colds, thanks to its antiviral and antimicrobial action. In addition, it becomes a very interesting natural remedy for the coldest times of the year (especially autumn and winter), since helps to increase the resistance of our body to cold.

Natural product for defenses

At the time of increase defenses and strengthen the immune system Royal jelly is as useful and interesting as honey, because precisely helps to strengthen the immune system in a completely natural way.

Ideal for cardiovascular diseases and high cholesterol levels

If you have cholesterol or high triglycerides, royal jelly is very beneficial, since is an effective natural treatment in case of arteriosclerosis. In addition, it helps to lower high levels of blood fats, thanks to which in turn acts as a wonderful stimulant of blood circulation.

On the other hand, It is a very useful natural product to regulate blood pressure, so that its regular consumption is very interesting in case of hypotension.

A wonderful natural stimulant

As we mentioned briefly at the beginning of this note, Royal jelly brings a lot of energy, which is why it becomes the ideal natural supplement for those moments in which we need an extra contribution of energy, whether at work or in studies. Further, It is very useful in cases of fatigue and anemia, by increasing appetite.

Good for women and for men

Thanks to the different nutritional qualities provided by royal jelly, it is an excellent natural remedy for hormonal disorders of women, especially during menstruation and menopause.

It is also very interesting in man, by helping naturally in case of male infertility, impotence and sexual asthenia.

When to consume royal jelly

Taking into account the different qualities, properties and benefits, royal jelly is indicated for the following states:

  • Lack of appetite and malnutrition.
  • To increase energy and improve both physical and intellectual performance.
  • In case of male infertility, sexual asthenia and impotence.
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Hormonal disorders of women.
  • Cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol and high triglycerides.
  • Arterial hypotension.
  • When it comes to increasing defenses naturally.

Nutritional values ​​of royal jelly

Here's what the royal jelly is made of:

  • Water in a 60-70% approximately.
  • Sugars by 10-16%.
  • Fat in 3-6%.
  • Proteins (12-16%), vitamins (vitamins of group B especially, E and C) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper and chlorine), by 0.8-1.3%.
  • It also contains the eight essential amino acids that make up proteins.

When the consumption of royal jelly is not recommended: main contraindications

Royal jelly has a series of contraindications that make it a product whose consumption is not recommended. In this sense, it is not recommended in case of allergy, asthma, migraines, tachycardia, hypertension and Addison's disease.

How to take royal jelly?

The following basic consumption tips should be followed:

  • Recommended dose: between 200 to 500 mg. of royal jelly in adults. In children between 100 to 250 mg.
  • Do not take it more than 1 or 2 months in a row, resting for 1 month in between.
  • It is more advisable to consume it in the morning.
  • In case of consuming it in its natural state take only 1 to 2 teaspoons a day. To improve its absorption put it under the tongue until it dissolves.
  • Where to keep it ?: In the refrigerator.

And what to do with vitamin supplements with royal jelly?

We know that a way to obtain a complete state of mental and physical well-being is extremely essential and necessary for good nutrition. Through this process, the body receives, transforms and uses the substances that contain those foods that we consume daily.

But, nevertheless, there are stages of life in which an extra supply of nutrients is required, given that these are circumstances in which our organism requires an extraordinary amount.

At this time, it is advisable to take vitamin supplements to help us precisely in this regard. In fact, to this day we can find vitamin supplements with royal jelly, that help us even more.

The vitamin supplements with royal jelly they come precisely to be vitamin supplements that provide us with the vitamins and minerals that we need every day, but with an extremely essential and beneficial ingredient for the organism: the Royal jelly.

For example, we know that the vitamins They are organic substances certainly essential for life, since they are essential for the proper functioning of the organism, as well as for the use of other nutrients.

We also know that the minerals they are trace elements that we find in organic liquids, and that are essential elements for the human being.

With regard to their own benefits of royal jelly, it is necessary to know exactly how we indicated to you that it is a natural substance of great quality for its content in amino acids, minerals and trace elements, and vitamins of group B. This article is published only for informative purposes. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesFoods