Skin spots: causes, origin and treatment
There are several areas on the face in which tend to appear dark spots, although mainly on the forehead, chin, cheeks, nose and upper lip. In most cases they are a typical sign of melasma (1), a common condition of the skin, which tends to affect mainly women between 20 and 40 years old.
East melasma it refers to an increase in the pigmentation - or darkening - of the skin that is characterized by the appearance of irregular spots but of certainly defined contours, which vary between different shades of brown (and less frequent in bluish or gray).
Melasma also tends to be frequent during the second or third trimester of pregnancy, and approximately 30% of cases tend to persist after this period.
However, it is not the only cause that causes the appearance of spots on the skin. Therefore, the key is to discover what are the causes that cause their training, in order to prevent them more easily.
What are the causes of skin blemishes?
Before talking about the spots on the skin we must know that our skin contains a series of cells known as melanocytes, responsible for producing pigmentation in the skin, containing melanin, a natural substance that produces the color of the skin (and its pigmentation).
Thus, if in a part of our skin we have a pale or discolored area of tonality it will mean that the presence of melanocytes in this area is low. And if the area is hyperpigmented it will mean practically the opposite.
The spots that usually and commonly tend to appear on the skin are usually, usually dark or pale. Its tonality, in fact, makes it possible to differentiate if the dermatologist - or cosmetic specialist - is faced with hyperpigmentation (first case), or if it is a depigmentation (second case). Or, what is the same, if the skin increases its hue to a noticeable degree, or loses it.
In a certain sense, the origin itself of the Skin blemishes, although as a rule there are a number of factors that can cause its appearance. Among the most outstanding, we find the following:
- Exposure to UV rays. It is one of the main external causes of appearance of spots on the skin. It is because ultraviolet rays tend to damage cells, something that is even worse if we also use certain cosmetic products or fragrances that, by containing alcohol and exposing ourselves with them to the sun, aggravate the problem. They are known medically as solar lentigo, and when they are simple, it is often common to confuse them with freckles.
- Genetic, family history.Both genes and family history directly influence the appearance of spots on the skin. In addition, it is common to appear in people with fair skin and blond or red hair.
- Hormonal It is the common cause, for example, during times when it is normal that the level of hormones varies enormously, as usually happens during pregnancy. And, in most cases, melasma (or cloth) usually appears. They tend to be temporary spots, which arise on the forehead, chin and cheeks, and can resolve on their own after childbirth.
- Cosmetics or fragrances. Either by its content in alcohol (and expose us to the sun after putting it on the skin), or by containing dyes with preparations of mercury, which tend to stain the skin.
- Photosensitizing drugs or medications.
- Age.In this case they are known medically as simple lentigo, and consist of small spots, with a brown tone that can vary from dark to lighter. They have a size that can oscillate between a few millimeters to 2 centimeters, and in most cases are benign.
Treatment of skin spots
The first step to treat skin blemishes is to go to a dermatologist's office, since it will carry out a diagnosis of the type of hyperpigmentation, determining later whether or not it is in the presence of a melasma.
One of the most used treatments has to do with a depigmenting product that combines three effective elements against melasma: tretinoin, hydroquinone and fluocinolone acetonide.
In this sense, the most recent research in the dermatological field has shown how the joint action of these three active ingredients, combined - yes - in a cream that is applied only on the spots - offer the possibility that they can go a little little disappearing spots, so the patient can see short-term results.
Images of Istockphoto. See references
(1) David L. Swanson, MD, Vice Chair of Medical Dermatology, Associate Professor of Dermatology, Mayo Medical School, Scottsdale, AZ.Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Ogilvie Island, PhD, and the A.D.A.M. Melasma 10/24/2016 Available at // TopicsSkin diseases Skin