Soluble fiber and not soluble (insoluble): its main differences

The number of nutritionists and doctors who advise to follow each day a diet based not only on the consumption of healthy and natural foods, but also on the foods rich in fiber.

They are suitable foods when it comes to enjoying both good health and the prevention of a great variety of digestive and intestinal disorders (for example, it is extremely beneficial in the prevention of constipation, hemorrhoids and diverticulitis). In addition, they help to lose weight thanks to the fact that they contain an interesting satiating power.

The benefits of fiber they are really many, and most of them are not only translated into the prevention or solution of constipation. We can highlight the following:

  • They help prevent various types of cancer, such as colon or breast cancer.
  • It decreases the levels of LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol.
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease.
  • Reduces blood sugar.
  • Prevents constipation, hemorrhoids and diverticulitis.
  • It provides an interesting satiating power.

From a nutritional point of view, fiber stands out as a complex carbohydrate, which means that it is digested more slowly and does not increase blood sugar levels abruptly.

Depending on the type of fiber we can find with the Soluble fiber on the one hand, and with insoluble fiber for another.

What is soluble fiber and what are its benefits?

Soluble fiber is composed of components that capture a lot of water and are capable of forming viscous gels, being very fermentable in the intestine, producing a large amount of gases.

Therefore, this type of fiber increases the volume of stool, decreasing its consistency. In addition, it prolongs the emptying time of the stomach, so that the sugar is released and absorbed more slowly.

Benefits of soluble fiber

  • It regulates the level of sugar in the blood, being beneficial for diabetics.
  • It helps reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.

In what foods do we find soluble fiber?

    • Cereals: oats, oat bran and barley.
    • Seeds: flax seeds.
    • Legumes: peas and dry beans.
    • Fruits: oranges and apples.
    • Vegetables: carrots.

What is insoluble fiber and what are its benefits?

The insoluble fiber is formed by substances that retain little water, and that therefore swell little. They have in the body an effect of cleaning the walls of the intestine, eliminating the different wastes that have adhered to it.

In addition, it increases the volume of stool, decreasing both its consistency and its transit time through the digestive tract. It is ideal in the prevention of constipation.

Benefits of insoluble fiber

  • Prevents constipation, by facilitating bowel movements.
  • Prevents colon cancer.
  • Controls and balances the PH in the intestines.

In what foods do we find insoluble fiber?

  • Vegetables: green leafy vegetables.
  • Legumes: green beans.
  • Cereals: wheat and corn bran, and whole grains (usually in all cereals).
  • Fruits: fruit skins.
  • Nuts.
  • Seeds.

Image | kochtopf This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesFiber

Get Heart Healthy with Soluble Fiber (April 2024)