St. John's wort: discover its benefits and medicinal properties

The Hypericum It is a medicinal plant that belongs to the family "Hypericaceae", Its scientific name is"Hypericum Perforatum" This medicinal plant is also known by other names such as Grass of San Juan, San Juanera.

The hypericum is a plant with many medicinal properties among which stresses as a sedative, relaxing the nervous system in cases of anxiety, stress, and is even known as the plant that drives away sadness.

The active ingredients contained in the Hypericum are the following: glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, essential oil, pectin and resin.

Medicinal benefits of St. John's wort

There is no doubt that the Hypericum It stands out and surprises for its wide diversity of medicinal properties. Among these qualities we can mention that it is a sedative plant, useful to calm down and calm the nerves.

It also helps to reduce pain thanks to its analgesic qualities, and to reduce inflammation by being anti-inflammatory. On the other hand, although it is not a well-known benefit, it is useful as a digestive aid in case of heavy and difficult digestion, it is astringent, vulnerary and antiseptic.

This medicinal plant is used both for internal and external use. The parts of the plant that are used to prepare the natural remedies are the aerial parts.

The Hypericum can be obtained in herbalists, parapharmacies, natural products stores, online and in various formats such as dried plant, tincture, hypericum oil, capsules and extract.

Before deciding to take some natural remedy prepared with St. John's wort and taking other medications, we should consult with the doctor as it may interfere with the action of these medications.

We must also follow the steps and advice of expert therapists in the field to make proper and healthy use of the Hypericum.

The Hypericum is a medicinal plant of the so-called photosensitive so we must take it into account when exposing ourselves to the sun so that the skin is not stained or with skin lesions.

The benefits of the Hypericum and its internal use are advised or indicated for the following cases:

  • In case of light anxiety associated with stress.
  • In case of irritability.
  • Insomnia.
  • Nervous tension.
  • Neuralgic pains.
  • Rheumatic pains
  • Sciatica.
  • To deal with seasonal changes (spring asthenia, autumnal).
  • Improve states of apathy, reluctance.
  • Improve the symptoms of irritable bowel

For external use the Hypericum is indicated or advised in the following cases:

  • As an anti-inflammatory remedy.
  • To improve the cardinals.
  • Improve varicose veins
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • To improve the skin with acne.

How to prepare 3 natural remedies with Hypericum

Below we provide how to prepare natural remedies with Hypericum for both internal and external use.

As we have previously advised before using St. John's wort, we should consult with the doctor or therapists who are experts in this matter to ensure correct and healthy use.

Infusion of Hypericum to relieve rheumatic pain

Among the medicinal properties of this plant is the property of being anti-inflammatory.

This infusion is effective in soothing the body pains associated with rheumatic diseases such as gout, arthritis, also for pain caused by low back pain and the sciatica.

To prepare this infusion we will need:

  • One cup of mineral water or 200 ml. of water.
  • 2 teaspoons of dry plant of Hypericum.


We put the water to heat and once it starts to boil add the teaspoons of St. John's Wort and put out the fire.

Cover the infusion and let it rest for 10 minutes. We uncover the infusion, we strain it and when it is warm we can take it.

If you like to sweeten the infusions we can add a little honey, whole sugar, or stevia. From this infusion we can take 2 cups a day.

Infusion of St. John's wort to relieve the symptoms of menopause

Because of its soothing and sedative properties, St. John's wort is effective in relieving irritability and hot flashes, symptoms associated with the stage of menopause.


  • 200 ml. From mineral water.
  • 2 teaspoons of dry plant of Hypericum.


We put the water in a saucepan to boil it. When it starts to boil add the teaspoons of St. John's wort. Turn off the heat, cover the infusion and let it rest for 10 minutes.

We fill the infusion and when it is warm we can take it. If the infusions with sweet touch are preferred, we will sweeten it to our liking. From this infusion we can take 2 cups a day.

Main uses of the hypericum

  • The infusion of hypericum It is useful as a home remedy to be able to take advantage of absolutely all its benefits.It is best to let a cup of water boil and, when it begins to boil, add a handful of hypericum, leaving it to rest for 5 minutes.
  • The hypericum oil It can help against scars, especially when a wound has not been completely closed. For this, you should apply a few drops of this oil on the area, massaging until it is fully absorbed.
  • The St John's wort capsules is, along with the infusion, another of the most appropriate remedies, and that allow you to enjoy all its benefits. You can buy them in herbalists or parapharmacies.
ThemesMedicinal plants

Pharmacokinetic Interactions: St. John's Wort (March 2024)