Stevia: benefits and properties

There is no doubt that the stevia as a natural sweetener It is precisely an excellent sweetener of natural origin, especially suitable for people with diabetes, as we already discovered in our note dedicated to the healthy natural sweeteners.

The stevia (scientifically known by the name of stevia rebaudiana) is a plant native to Paraguay, known by the ancient Indians with the name "Ka'a he'e", which means "sweet grass"; name that by the way is only an example of its great sweetness power.

Benefits of stevia or stevia

The stevia It is a plant especially rich in stevioside, a natural compound that contributes most of its sweetening virtues. Just take a simple example: its leaves are 30 times sweeter than sugar.

From a nutritional point of view, stevia is especially rich in minerals (iron, manganese, zinc, calcium, potassium and cobalt) and vitamins (vitamin A and C), as well as proteins.

One of its most interesting benefits is precisely related to its sweetening virtues (higher than sugar), but nevertheless exerts a hypoglycemic effect, directly stimulating the cells of the pancreas to generate more insulin, not affecting blood sugar levels.

Properties of stevia, to summarize

It also provides the following properties:

  • Overweight and obesityhelps to reduce calorie intake, being more sweetening than sugar but containing less caloric power.

  • Flus: its ideal consumption is above all during the autumn and winter seasons, thanks to the fact that it helps in the prevention of colds and flu. It is useful in turn when it comes to relieving the sore throat.

  • Diuretics: light diuretic effect, helping to prevent fluid retention and eliminate toxins from our body.

  • Especially rich in antioxidants: antioxidant benefits, ideal to prevent the negative consequences of free radicals in our body.

Nutritional values ​​of stevia


5 kcal.


5 g.


0.5 g.


0 g.


0 g.

Contraindications of stevia

  • Caution is advised against the use of stevia in pregnant women.
  • In children, it is best to consult the pediatrician, since the benefits of stevia against overweight and diabetes could recommend the situation of sugar by this natural sweetener.

Side effects of stevia

There are no severe secondary negative effects confirmed until now associated with normal consumption. In fact, the FDA itself (the United States Food and Nutrition Agency) has confirmed its non-toxicity.

In high doses, like any sweetener, it can cause stomach upset.

Where to buy stevia?

Although a few years ago it was certainly difficult to find it, it is now possible to find Stevia 100% natural in herbalists, herbodietética stores and even in certain supermarkets.

It is sold in sachets or cans to facilitate its use, and although its price may be a little higher than ordinary sugar, we must bear in mind that its duration is longer, since to sweeten a certain food or drink requires only a pinch of stevia.

Image | hardworkinghippy This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist.

Stevia benefits. Properties of the Stevia rebaudiana (April 2024)