Symptoms and signs of egg allergy
We know that allergies affect millions of people around the world, and there are all kinds of allergies. Some of the most common are allergies to a food that when ingested or simply manipulated generates an adverse reaction to the organism.
Therefore we must be alert to the presence of certain symptoms and signs because we could be allergic to a certain food, and unknowingly continue to consume what affects us. Today we will deal in detail, one of these foods: the chicken egg.
When someone has egg allergy what happens is that their immune system reacts against that food, as it is particularly sensitive to it. In other words, the immune system produces IgE immunoglobulins, which are responsible for "attacking" the egg's own proteins.
When the person eats egg or any food that contains it, or even if it is in contact with this food, the allergic reaction occurs.
Symptoms of egg allergy
It must be clarified that -as in other types of allergies- there is a wide range of possible reactions, which vary in different people. Some of them can be very mild, just a few simple discomforts, such as feeling itching in the throat or mouth when consuming it.
But others may be more serious, and may even lead to the death of the person, so we should not minimize the fact of being able to suffer from an allergy.
Among the most common symptoms of egg allergy we can highlight skin reactions, which may be hives, redness of the skin, itching, swollen lips and eyelids. It is also common that whoever has this condition has consequences in the digestive system: pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and vomiting.
In a smaller number of cases, other symptoms are recorded, such as conjunctivitis, cough, liquid mucus and even changes in the voice. The most worrisome consequences of egg allergy are difficulty breathing and swallowing, in which case you should go immediately to the emergency service.
If you have had any of these symptoms and you think it may be related to a possible egg allergy, consider two things. First, allergic reactions occur in the short term, usually within one hour of contact with food. Second, these symptoms are not unique to egg allergy, but are typical of different food allergies. Therefore, the ideal is to test yourself to determine exactly if it is an allergy and exactly what element.
How is egg allergy diagnosed?
In the first place, it usually happens that in the presence of any of the symptoms that we have described, one can detect that relationship between that food and what happens to it, or that in the medical consultation this is considered as the possible cause of those reactions .
In any of the cases it is necessary the referral to a specialist in allergies, who will practice a study to determine the existence or not of the problem. Skin tests are usually carried out with egg proteins and other possible allergens. This can be accompanied by a blood test.
That is, a simple study that will allow you to detect what is doing you wrong and will allow you to reorganize your diet so that you do not continue to suffer from these problems.
Foods that may contain egg and its protein
Although you do not really believe it, there are many foods and food products that can contain eggs in their composition. In fact, it is very common to find egg or its proteins in pastry products or pastries (such as cookies, sweets, pies, custards ...), pasta, bread, pâtés, sausages, sweets, ice creams, cheeses, jellies, some margarines and butters, sauces and soups.
We must bear in mind that Egg proteins must appear specified on food labels. And how can we identify them? We can find them as: albumin, emulsifier, globulin, lecithin or E-322, coagulant, livetin, lysozyme, ovalbumin, ovomucin, ovomucoid, ovoviteline, viteline or E-161b (also known as yellow pigment or lutein).
As well It is possible to find it in cosmetic products and some medicines and drugs. For example, in soaps, gels, shampoos or creams. As well as certain drugs, nasal drops with lysozyme or multivitamin preparations. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.