Symptoms of the evil eye in babies and newborns and how to protect it

We can consider the the evil eye like a strong negative energy, that a certain person to another sends intentionally with the aim of hurting him, either because he hates her or envies her. Of course, according to popular belief, we must bear in mind that this evil eye is not always voluntary or conscious, so that the person has so much ability to cast a bad eye that makes it involuntary, and without any kind of evil.

From the point of view of the most popular tradition, it is said that the evil eye is the product or effect of envy -In negative aspects- or of the person's own admiration towards the other -in more positive aspects. And it is a condition that can be physical, mental and emotional, caused by the look of a person that many consider as 'powerful'.

Obviously, we are facing a superstitious popular belief, which is widespread in a wide variety of civilizations. In fact, it is very common and is deeply rooted in many Spanish-American and Mediterranean cultures.

In this sense, there are those who simply believe in it, have heard about it, or even claim to have been affected by this force.

What is the evil eye or eye?

As we have already mentioned on a previous occasion, the evil eye is a mental, emotional or physical condition caused by the look of a person. This person is considered to be "powerful," as having the ability to intentionally or unconsciously cause some "harm" to the victim.

To know what are the symptoms of the evil eye It is extremely useful if we think that we suffer from an evil eye, or if we believe that a certain person has had an evil eye.

That is, although it can have many causes, it basically translates into a manifestation of energy.

Why is it said that the evil eye affects more newborns or babies?

The ancient belief goes to say that Babies and newborns tend to suffer more from the evil eye, fundamentally because they tend to be more vulnerable to being smaller and not having practically consciousness.

This is because, when a baby is born, it is usually visited by many people, who look at it and observe it. In this case it can happen that some person with this force, consciously or even unconsciously, transmits this force and affects him.

The same goes for small children, who also tend to suffer it much more often.

What are the symptoms of the evil eye in a baby or newborn

We must bear in mind that the symptoms of the evil eye can vary from one person to another, at the same time they can also vary depending on whether it is an evil eye cast on a baby or a small child, that a person much more adult.

Popular belief says that both babies and young children are more vulnerable to the evil eye. In fact, you will surely remember how your grandmother or your mother talked about the evil eye cast on a newborn or a baby ... In these little people, the most common symptoms are the following:

  • Uncontrolled crying, without apparent cause (ie, the baby does not have cramps or reflux that can cause that disconsolate crying).
  • Altered sleep (the baby has trouble falling asleep, falls asleep and wakes up quickly, or wakes up continually).
  • Loss of appetite
  • Skin allergies
  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomiting continuous and quite frequent.

As we can see, it is true that we are faced with very general and common symptoms, so that at all times we must rule out the presence of any type of physical condition, disorder or illness that causes them. However, as manifested by those who work with this type of energy, it is usually easy to know if a newborn or baby has an evil eye.

How to protect the newborn, the baby and the child

Everything will depend on the country in which we find ourselves, since in many cultures and civilizations it is usually thought that protection is sufficient using amulets or rituals.

For example, in some countries of South America it is common to pass an egg through the body of the affected person or victim, to finally break it and put it inside a glass of water. Then this glass is placed under the bed, absorbing the energy and protecting it against the evil eye.

However, in our country, It is usual to protect young children with bows or red colored elements, because it is believed that this color protects the baby and the newborn. For example, a useful option is to put a red bow in the crib and baby's stroller, and dress it in red clothes when we go out to the street.

If you want to learn more about the evil eye we encourage you to read the note I pray for the evil eye. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Pediatrician. We advise you to consult your trusted pediatrician. ThemesNewborn

Baby Ear, Nose & Throat Health : Infant With Eye Discharge (April 2024)