Tamarillo: benefits and properties

The tamarillo is, at least, one of those exotic or tropical fruits whose shape and appearance reminds a lot of tomato, hence popularly known by the names of tomato tree, French tomato or Cichomandra.

But this resemblance is not a coincidence: it belongs to the family of Solanaceae, which includes about 2,300 species of plants, and to which tomato and potatoes belong.

Tamarillo is a variety that comes from the Peruvian Andes, although it is currently grown in tropical areas of Colombia and Brazil, and also in places as diverse as New Zealand, India, Sri Lanka, California and South Africa.

In the market you can find tamarillo practically throughout the year, and it has a bittersweet taste that sometimes tends to be somewhat bitter.

Nutritional properties of tamarillo

It is a fruit especially rich in water and vitamins, among which are provitamin A and vitamin C as antioxidant nutrients. In the case of this last vitamin, as you know, it helps in the resistance to infections, it favors the absorption of iron (advised therefore in case of iron-deficiency anemia) and intervenes in the formation of bones, teeth and collagen.

Regarding provitamin A, it has the ability to transform into vitamin A, which is essential for vision, skin, hair and the functioning of the immune system.

Benefits of tamarillo

Its consumption is advised when it comes to preventing and reducing the risk of degenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases and cancer, thanks to the presence of antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin A and C.

On the other hand, as indicated in the previous note, thanks to the vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron, the tamarillo is interesting in people with iron deficiency anemia, as long as its consumption is accompanied in the diet of foods rich in iron.

For its soluble fiber content helps prevent and improve constipation. In addition, it is useful in case of high cholesterol, and is beneficial in the control of diabetes.

Images | ximenacab / fred_v This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesFruits