The 5 best foods for your breakfast

They say that Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and in short we are faced with an expression with a lot of reason. It is the first meal that we bring to our body after having been between 6 to 10 hours fasting (the period that goes between the time of dinner, which is the last meal we made of the day, and includes the hours in which we found ourselves sleeping). Therefore, breakfast should be between 20 and 25% of the calories consumed throughout the day.

In fact, unlike what you tend to think quite often, skipping breakfast yes is bad. Why? Fundamentally for what we indicated at the beginning: for the hours that we have been fasting and because ultimately our organism needs to be nourished to obtain the energy that it needs so much to get going. As many scientific researches have confirmed, it is known that people who have a proper breakfast get the nutrients they need at the beginning of the day for the whole morning, so that everyone who has a proper breakfast will not feel tired during the morning and will be able to Do without problems the tasks you should.

At the time of making a nutritious breakfast, which in addition to providing us with the nutrients we need is as healthy as possible, it is very important to know what are the ideal foods for breakfast. If you do not know which are those that can not miss the first meal of the day, we explain what 5 foods are recommended for breakfast.

The 5 foods that can not miss in your breakfast

1. Dairy derivatives

Until a while ago it was believed that milk was a good food, which could not be missed at breakfast. However, if we take a look at a previous article in which we talked to you about The whole truth about cow's milk, we really realize that milk is not very suitable not only for breakfast, but to consume it regularly.

Otherwise we find their products, which should be in our breakfast because they are an excellent way to provide calcium to our body. They stand out above all a portion of cheese, a natural yogurt or skimmed with fruit or honey or curd with honey.

2. Plant milks

The vegetable milks they are undoubtedly the best substitute for cow's milk, being beverages of origin and natural origin that in fact provide many more benefits both nutritional and healthy than animal milk.

Drinking a glass or cup of hot vegetable milk every morning is the best way to start the day with energy, as they are rich in natural sugars, are low in fat and have a high content of vitamins and minerals. You can opt for almond milk, oatmeal, rice or nuts, which you can easily find in the market. Or you can encourage yourself to prepare them at home.

3. One piece of fruit

Fruit is a food that can not and should not be missing in our diet, and in fact we are facing one of the most recommended options to include in our breakfast, given that they provide us with energy, they are very rich in vitamins and minerals, and they are also extremely healthy.

You can choose to eat a piece of whole fruit, cut it into pieces and add it to your natural yogurt or put fruit in a bowl, add natural yogurt and one or two tablespoons of muesli, oatmeal or whole grains.

4. Whole grains and nuts

Whole grains are very rich in B vitamins, in addition to stand out for providing complex carbohydrates, which help us to satisfy our appetite while they go to the blood slowly, and not as quickly as it happens with the simple ones. They are also very rich in natural fiber, which helps us improve our intestinal transit and is an excellent cleanser, useful to eliminate toxins from our body.

To make an even more nutritious breakfast you can choose to put in a bowl a handful of whole grains, vegetable milk and fruit. Or opt for one or two slices of wholemeal bread and add tomato on top and olive oil, or replace them with natural fruit jam.

You can also choose a handful of nuts, which are also rich in B vitamins, fiber, and also provide a lot of energy. The best? Raisins, nuts and almonds.

5. Olive oil

Olive oil is very rich in healthy fatty acids, that help us when it comes to reducing high levels of fats in the blood (such as cholesterol and triglycerides). In addition, it is very rich in antioxidants such as vitamin E, essential to reduce the negative action of free radicals.

It is recommended to consume one or two tablespoons a day of olive oil, as an appropriate measure to care for and protect our health. In this sense, you can toast a slice of wholemeal bread and simply cover it with extra virgin olive oil, or accompany it with fresh tomato.

Images | with wind / Amazing Almonds / Pen Waggener / Bobbi Bowers This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesBreakfast

Mayo Clinic Minute: 5 breakfasts for brain power (March 2024)