The benefits of Angelica and how to make the infusion

The angelica (scientifically known by the name Angelica Archangelica) is a medicinal plant that belongs to the family of "Umbelliferae" also known as Grass of the Angels or as Grass of the Holy Spirit, and it is a plant native to Europe. This plant is full of benefits and properties that we detail below. It is carminative, expectorant, diuretic, antispasmodic, stimulant and stomach tonic.

Did you know where his name comes from? It was baptized like this in the Middle Ages because it was believed that it was a gift that the archangel Gabriel made to a wise hermit in order to fight the terrible plague plague that was ravaging Europe. The angelica by its properties is an effective remedy to treat cases of bronchitis, to calm the cough and for cases in which colds and flu are accompanied by fever.

The parts of the plant that are used to prepare the home remedies and some other angelica products sold in herbalists, parapharmacies, or natural products stores are the leaves, stems, roots, and seeds.

If we grow an angelica plant, the leaves should be collected at the beginning of summer, we can dry them in a dark and dry place protected from moisture.

Once the leaves have dried we can store them in glass jars sterilized previously or in plastic bags tightly closed so they do not air.

The active principles contained in angelica are the following:

  • Essential oil containing phellandrene and pinene.
  • Angelic acid.
  • Coumarins
  • Bitter beginnings
  • Tannins

Because it is rich in essential oils with carminative properties, it is good for us to suffer from gas or intestinal cramps, as well as to expel flatulence.

Angelica is also very effective as a tonic to stimulate the appetite, due to the digestive properties that this plant possesses, even in cases in which there is anorexia nervosa.

Being a plant with diuretic properties It is also effective for cases of cystitis, since it acts is also considered a urinary antiseptic.

Its effectiveness has also been shown to treat and relieve cases of rheumatic inflammation, as well as for cases of arthritis.

Angelica seeds are used in baking, they are also used candied in pastry, for baking and cake decorations, to give flavor to jams, compotes and custards.

The oil of its seeds is used to flavor some alcoholic beverages such as herbal liqueurs and gin.

Angelica essential oil is only used for external use, and should not be ingested since it is toxic.

What are the benefits of angelica?

There are several benefits that angelic offers us. Here we detail the most important:

  • Help eliminate gases:In case you constantly suffer from gas the angelica can become a great ally. Specifically, did you know that it is capable of reducing the fermentations that occur in our intestines and that so much discomfort can cause us? In addition, it helps eliminate gases naturally, being suitable in the treatment of flatulence and aerophagia.
  • Ideal for the digestive system:Angelica is a very interesting plant because of the qualities it offers for our digestive system. Particularly, it is able to facilitate digestion and increase the secretion of gastric juices.
  • It helps us to calm down:Because of its soothing, relaxing and mildly anxiolytic qualities, angelica naturally helps in relieving nervousness. That is why it is so suitable in people with occasional stress or anxiety.
  • Suitable in case of respiratory diseases:Due to its expectorant qualities it helps to alleviate mucus, at the same time that it is able to calm the cough.

How to make the angelica infusion: 2 recipes

How to prepare a digestive infusion with angelica


To prepare the infusion of angelica we need a teaspoon of angelica leaves and a cup of mineral water.


  1. We put the water in a heater and bring it to a boil.
  2. Once it starts to boil, add the angelica and keep boiling for 2 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat, cover the infusion and let it rest for 15 minutes.
  4. We uncover the infusion, we strain it and when it is warm we can take it.

If you prefer a sweet touch we can add a teaspoon of honey or brown cane sugar or whole.

We will take this infusion after eating to help us make a good digestion.

How to prepare an angelica root infusion for colds


To prepare this infusion we need a teaspoon of angelica root and a cup of mineral water.


  1. We put the water to boil and once it is boiling, we incorporate the angelica root into the water, let it boil for about 2 minutes.
  2. Then we remove the infusion from the fire and cover it to rest.
  3. Let stand for 10 minutes.
  4. We uncover and strain the infusion.

We can give a sweet touch to the infusion, adding a teaspoon of honey, or a teaspoon of whole sugar or brown sugar, or stevia.

Contraindications of angelica

Provided that the recommended or recommended therapeutic doses are taken, angelica does not present risks, but as with any medicinal plant food, its use and consumption are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • People allergic to the plants of the family of the "Umbelliferae", Umbelliferae.
  • In case of pregnancy.
  • During breastfeeding
  • In children under 12 years old.
  • In case of diabetes.

In addition, since this plant can increase sensitivity to sunlight, while we are dealing with angelica we should avoid sun exposure, especially when we have applied it to the skin. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesMedicinal plants

Cómo Preparar Una Infusión Digestiva Con Angélica (March 2024)