The benefits of coconut oil in your diet and skin

The coconut oil it has become over the last few years in what is known as a "superfood". This is because it is an inexhaustible source of benefits and highly positive properties for our body.

In fact, there are many tribes in South America that base their cuisine on coconut oil and thanks to it they enjoy a better quality of life in general. Would you like to know why? Well, through the following lines we tell you.

What is coconut oil?

Coconut oil consists of a vegetable oil that is obtained from the pulp or coconut meat. It is also known by the name of coconut butter, and it stands out for being a rather fat substance, with 90% saturated acids.

For this reason it is not only used in the kitchen or food, but also in beauty: for its qualities to be resistant to rancidity, to be rather slow to rust.

The benefits of coconut oil in nutrition

Favors weight loss

Needless to say, obesity is one of the biggest health problems we suffer today. Millions of people around the world and at increasingly younger ages, suffer from this condition in a serious way. Given this, what would you think if we told you that coconut oil can help you lose weight considerably?

This is due to the high content of natural oils and triglycerides that exist within coconut oil, elements that encourage the expenditure of energy to be greater every time we exercise or simply activate our body. By way of summary, it can be said that coconut oil promotes our metabolism and causes us to burn fat more quickly, especially that which is stored in gluteal or abdomen.

Eliminates viruses and infections

Another of the great benefits of coconut oil has a lot to do with the detoxification of our body. It is very normal that with all the junk food, saturated fats and refined sugars, in the end we accumulate all kinds of toxins, bacteria and fungi in the cavities of our stomach and intestine.

In this sense, the oil is a great ally when it comes to getting rid of this type of bacteria that occur so much in our body, among them, the so-called โ€˜Staphylococcus Aureus', a pathogen that can be very harmful to us. Although thanks to the uric acid present in coconut oil, we can combat this effective in a really effective way.

It is a powerful satiating

Once it's time for lunch or dinner, I'm sure you have an insatiable appetite that you try to mitigate with any meal you put in front of you, regardless of the calories you have. However, if we start consuming coconut oil regularly we can also reduce the appetite significantly.

The reason? Well, because the fatty acids present in this food literally "reach" the cavities of our stomach, thus obtaining a satisfying sensation that can extend for a couple of hours or until the next meal.

Reduces blood cholesterol

Surely this benefit charms those who suffer from diabetes or high cholesterol. And is that coconut oil contains a series of lipids that reduces the bad cholesterol through all our blood supply. Likewise, this compound discourages blood coagulation and makes it rejuvenate considerably despite the passage of time.

In this way, coconut oil significantly reduces any cardiovascular disease over time. Therefore, it is also recommended for people who are prone to arrhythmias or even heart attacks.

Increase our brain function

And you know what the latter means, right? Well, the triglycerides that exist inside coconut oil along with other ketone bodies help promote the functioning and development of all the cells in our brain.

For this reason, it is recommended to take coconut oil to all those people who may suffer Alzheimer's in the future or senile dementia in the future. From NatureVia we are very sure that this liquid will help you to enjoy better mental health.

The properties of coconut oil in the skin

Given its ability to solidify, and especially to have a creamy appearance, it is often added to toiletries as well as cosmetics, especially because it does not tend to become rancid easily.

It is an excellent natural cleansing agent, at the same time that as a detergent it has the property of not foaming, and can even be used to make soft liquid soaps and shampoos.

It not only serves to make these products, but it can also be added to soaps and body lotions, so it is even more useful.

It is also moisturizing for dry skin, and may have a more prominent property if mixed with a few drops of sandalwood.

Warning about coconut oil

Despite its different qualities and benefits, especially when consumed with some regularity, we must bear in mind that Coconut oil has a high amount of saturated fat, so many nutritionists and various health organizations advise that their consumption is not in excess, since it could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In fact, to benefit from its anti-cholesterol qualities it is necessary that its consumption is not far from excessive. What's more, coconut oil contains a large amount of lauric acid, a saturated fat capable of raising HDL cholesterol levels, although it can also raise the values โ€‹โ€‹of LDL cholesterol. Although this apparently improves the total cholesterol profile in the blood, its regular consumption can effectively increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Of course, it is clear that Coconut oil is much healthier than partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesOil

6 Things That Happen When You Eat A Spoonful Of Coconut Oil Everyday (April 2024)