The benefits of each variety of tea and its main differences

Tea in its different varieties gives us a lot of beneficial properties for our health, we review the main ones. As you know, there are different types of tea: green tea, red tea, black tea and white tea. All come from the same plant with the difference that they have been harvested or processed in a different way.

Let's take as an example the Green Tea. It is characterized, without any doubt, by being one of the most popular and popular tea varieties. It is obtained once the leaves are harvested, which are dried and fragmented quickly. The White tea it differs in that only the first shoots of the plant are used, before they have been oxidized.

In the case of Red tea we find a characteristic type of tea that infuses the water with a wonderful red color, which has a medium degree of oxidation. And finally we find the black tea, a tea that has greater oxidation and fermentation in comparison with the other varieties.

It is clear that choosing between one or another variety of tea depends directly on the personal tastes of each one, not only in what refers to the benefits and properties they bring, but ultimately to their organoleptic qualities. This is: its aroma, flavor ... and even tonality.

Qualities of green tea

We will begin by saying that green tea provides vitamins A, C and E, in addition to various minerals among which we can highlight selenium. Regularly taking this infusion prevents or delays the onset of degenerative diseases. It is also recommended for people who have cardiovascular problems.

Its effects allow to reduce hypertension and also high cholesterol, both risk factors for the appearance of other pathologies.

Green tea helps prevent or delay the onset of degenerative diseases. But its benefits do not end there. Since it is very good for you want to lose weight because it speeds up the metabolism and is rich in antioxidants.

It differs from other varieties in that its leaves have been rolled and then dehydrated, not being subjected to any fermentation process. Therefore, its flavor is refreshing.

Qualities of black tea

This variety of tea is one of the most popular and also have very good properties that help us to be healthier. Surely you have been sick to your stomach and have been prepared a tea on more than one occasion. This is because black tea has tannins that are an excellent natural remedy for cases of diarrhea.

Black tea is also a very good diuretic, so its intake is recommended for those who have a tendency to retain fluid. Like green tea, it is recommended for our cardiovascular system. Finally, it has a protective effect on the capillaries of the eyes, so that it helps maintain our eye health.

It differs from other varieties of tea in that its leaves are subjected to a much longer process of oxidation and fermentation, hence it has a higher caffeine content.

Qualities of red tea

There is no lack of benefits for this variety of tea either. Among it is very good to stimulate the metabolism of fats, so it is very good to incorporate in diets to lose weight. It also benefits the health of the organs of the liver, intestine and kidneys, which are so important in our body.

Red tea is indicated as a natural remedy to accompany medical treatments in patients with gout, and also in people with too high levels of uric acid. If you suffer from any allergy, do not forget to incorporate this infusion into your daily diet as it inhibits the release of histamine, improving the typical symptoms of allergy.

We are faced with a variety of tea highly valued in China, especially the Pu-erh variety, considered a true medicinal tea in this country. Since its fermentation is very low it contains much less caffeine.

Qualities of white tea

To close this note we will dedicate ourselves to the benefits of white tea. For starters we will say that it is antioxidant, diuretic and energizing. As if this were not enough, it also helps to lower the "bad" cholesterol or LDL, it is useful to fight tooth decay and elevates our defenses.

It also has very good effects on our mental functions since it is an enhancer of memory and concentration ... a good companion when it comes to studying.

It differs from the other varieties in that it is the least processed tea, since its leaves are left to dry outdoors on silk cloths with the aim of evaporating the water. For this reason its flavor is softer and its aroma delicate. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesTea

The 6 Types Of Tea (October 2024)