The benefits of heating a cabbage leaf with the iron and applying it to the skin

The cabbage It is a vegetable that belongs to the family of Cruciferous, family to which other wonderful and delicious vegetables also belong as for example is the case of broccoli Or the cauliflower. In fact, this family includes more than 300 genera and around 3,000 species. Despite such an incredible amount, only a few are known to be precisely quite consumed.

In the case of cabbage green they are vegetables originating mainly from southern and central Europe. In particular, the kale It was cultivated in an origin in the Alps, specifically on the border between Italy and France. It is also known by the name of cabbage, and it is a delicious food with a great nutritional wealth.

From a nutritional point of view it is a vegetable very rich in vitamins, emphasizing above all the presence of vitamin C, K and vitamins of group B. It also provides folates, beta-carotene, minerals (among which undoubtedly iron) and fiber .

When we consume cabbage it becomes a very interesting natural option when it comes to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, thanks to its richness in fiber, folates and antioxidants such as beta-carotene. Its consumption is interesting in the treatment of peptic ulcers, and it's very interesting when it comes to prevent cancer. It also stands out for its anti-inflammatory action.

Precisely on this occasion we want to focus on its qualities as an anti-inflammatory food, given that there is a very popular home remedy consisting of heat the cabbage leaves with an iron and apply it externally.

What are the properties of heating a cabbage leaf and applying it externally?

The leaves of hot cabbage have an excellent action and effect both anti-inflammatory and analgesic, so they are a simply wonderful natural option when it comes to relieve pain and inflammation when it is used externally

It is very useful in case of side and kidney pains, pain caused by osteoarthritis and rheumatism. In addition, it is a natural remedy widely used by many midwives to help relieve the pain and inflammation that appear during breastfeeding.

By heating the cabbage leaf a series of anti-inflammatory and analgesic substances are released that ultimately give it its qualities to relieve inflammation and pain.

Here we highlight its main uses and applications:

  • Mastitis: consists of the inflammation of the mammary gland. It usually appears during breastfeeding when there is obstruction of a duct, which can also lead to infection of the breast tissue.
  • Kidneys pain: may appear as a result of cysts, stones (kidney stones), kidney inflammation (nephritis), infections and kidney cancer. Find out more about kidney pain.
  • Side painIt can be caused by gastrointestinal disease, liver diseases, spinal fractures or infection, discopathies, arthritis, shingles and gallbladder disease. Learn more about side pain.
  • Muscle pains: they can appear by aches and pains, especially due to bad heating and stretching.
  • Arthritis: consists of the inflammation of one or more joints.

How to apply the hot cabbage leaf?

To enjoy its anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities, you should only get a dark green cabbage that looks fresh, in good condition. Remove your first sheets and then get the interiors. Heat the iron on the clothes a little and carefully pass it over the previously stretched cabbage leaves.

Then, once hot, place the hot cabbage leaves on the area where you feel the pain, leaving to act until the cabbage leaf cools. You can repeat as many times as you need, until the pain and inflammation goes down or disappears.

Images | Christian Guthier / sammydavisdog This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

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