The best foods for the respiratory system

It is usual that, when we worry about take care of the respiratory systemIn a certain sense, let's just think about not smoking, taking care of our throat and following a healthy lifestyle.

But what very few people really know is that the food that we follow will also help us to care for and protect our respiratory system, in addition to practicing physical exercise.

And it is that for keep the respiratory system in an optimal state and with a very good health, it is not only interesting to avoid tobacco and all those toxins and substances that can harm our respiratory system. Follow a healthy diet based on a balanced diet will help us a lot. Especially if we discover that there are beneficial foods for the respiratory system.

Good food for the respiratory system

  • Garlic: it is a food with a high content in aniline, a compound with antibiotic, antiseptic, bactericidal and depurative properties, that exerts an expectorant and desinflammatory action.
  • Radishes: they are rich in sulfur compounds, which help to eliminate mucus from the bronchi. In addition, because of its folate content, it is useful to increase defenses.
  • Onion: thanks to its nutrients it is an ideal vegetable to breathe better in case of asthma. It is also useful to clear our lungs at night when we are ill with flu or colds (leaving an onion cut in half in a pot under the bed).
  • Citrus: as you surely know, are foods rich in vitamin C, highlighting especially oranges, lemons, grapefruit and tangerines. Its benefits go through helping us strengthen the immune system.

Image | JorgeBRAZIL This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist.

Superfoods For Lungs | Health Tips | Educational Video (April 2024)