The best natural anxiolytics to calm anxiety

The anxiety consists of a warning system which appears or arises in our organism before certain situations or moments that we tend to consider as a danger, as threatening. In general, these are situations that affect us negatively, and that we perceive / understand as a risk. This means that we are actually facing a Defense mechanism that our own organism "creates" in order to react in the face of that threat, danger or risk.

However, what was once a defense mechanism has now become one of the most common psychiatric disorders, medically known by the name of generalized anxiety disorder, and although it is true that it affects women to a greater extent, many men also tend to suffer from it. This type of disorder is characterized because the person who suffers tend to spend the day full of worries and tensions that in most cases is widespread. It is common to be too concerned about family problems, issues related to health or money, or work difficulties.

That is, we must differentiate in the face of relatively mild and transitory anxiety, which is caused by an event that we consider to be stressful (such as an exam, going to a certain job for the first time or speaking in public), when there is a anxiety disorder We are actually faced with a type of chronic anxiety, which lasts at least six months and can get worse if it is not treated.

What is an anxiolytic and what is it for?

The anxiolytics, also known from a medical point of view with the name of anxiolytic drugs, are drugs capable of combating anxiety and produce few side effects, although they are characterized by causing drowsiness (that is, being sleepy).

They are drugs that contain benzodiazepines, but since people who consume them on a daily basis get used to their effects, they may need progressively higher doses to obtain the same effect as before, which is why are prescribed for short periods of time, especially in those patients who with certain ease become dependent on the medication.

Among the most well-known compounds in this regard are clonazepam, used for generalized anxiety disorder and social phobia, lorazepam, used for panic disorders, and alprazolam, effective both for panic disorder and for GAD.

Another of the side effects that tend to cause this type of drugs is that if you do not reduce your consumption progressively you can experience Withdrawal symptoms, it is usual for anxiety to return once the medication is stopped.

Natural anxiolytics useful against anxiety

The truth is that in nature we can always find certain medicinal plants and herbs with effects that are very useful depending on the problem, dysfunction or disorder we have.

And as it could not be less, there are also certain medicinal plants that help calm anxiety, and that ultimately can become authentic natural anxiolytics, useful as substitutes and more natural alternatives to conventional anxiolytics. They emphasize especially the following:

  • Passionflower: it is a useful natural option that helps to calm the mind and body, being very suitable when we have anxiety and we can not relax. In addition, it is suitable for better sleep, becoming an excellent traditional remedy in case of insomnia and sleep problems caused by anxiety itself.
  • Lavender: it is probably one of the most beautiful plants that exist, apart from being easily distinguishable in many houses and gardens. Taken as an infusion it is useful to calm the nerves, balance the nervous system, reduce anxiety and stress and help you to rest better at night.
  • Balm: it is an anxiolytic plant that is also known by the name of melissa. It is a recognized and excellent option when it comes to reducing both anxiety and stress, and calm nerves naturally.
  • Tila: it is possible that, as you surely know, we are in front of one of the most popular and popular nerves calming plants. Also known by the name of linden, it is ideal to calm the nerves that lodge in the stomach and very useful to relieve the nerves and the discomfort caused by anxiety.
  • Chamomile: is one of the digestive plants best known for its qualities to relieve stomach pain and relieve flatulence, but did you know that it is also useful for cases of mild anxiety? It is true that its anxiolytic action is not as urgent as that provided by other anxiolytic herbs such as passion flower, but its relaxing action is appropriate when we are somewhat nervous and we also need to calm the stomach.

How to prepare natural anxiolytics to enjoy its benefits to calm anxiety

One of the most useful and common options when it comes to enjoying the different qualities that natural anxiolytics give us to calm and alleviate anxiety is to elaborate a infusion from the cooking of the chosen herb or medicinal plant.

In the majority of the occasions it is enough to use a cup of water and a teaspoon of grass or plant by infusion. You only have to put in a saucepan the equivalent of a cup of water and when it reaches the boiling point turn off the heat, add the chosen herb, cover the saucepan and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Finally sneak and drink.

Images | ISTOCKPHOTO / THINKSTOCK This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesAnxiety

Natural Remedies & Nutrition : Anti-Anxiety Herbal Remedies (April 2024)