The bicycle desks: changing the desks by static bicycles
Bicycle desks? Where would we think of placing a bicycle desk for our son? Certainly not at school! Children have to be and stay in their places throughout the 5 hours of instruction that the law sets. They have to learn and passively absorb all knowledge.
This vision of the passive student that remains in correct silence and order is gradually disappearing from our educational system, taking into account the poor results obtained. The sustained attention of a child is 45 minutes (speaking of elementary courses), so to expect them to continue throughout the exceptionally attentive 5 hours is impossible.
Currently, methodologies are being carried out that encourage you to practice 5 minutes of exercise before beginning the lessons in order to activate the brain. In this way, it has been demonstrated that the students' performance increases without a doubt and the energies that have accumulated throughout the morning are discharged. Thus, the need for movement or fuss in the classroom is reduced in the session after the completion of these exercises.
However, when we talk about restlessness in the classroom, the need for movement and the discharge of energy, education professionals immediately come to mind ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder). Is it positive for these students to get excited before starting the lesson of the day?
More and more children are diagnosed with this type of disorder, so it is increasingly common for a teacher to be in contact with him and have the need to adapt to their needs.
Some methods that teachers use after the experience is to turn the student in question into "errands boy" in order that he can move and focus his energy.
Also be more flexible in terms of movement in the classroom. However this creates differences and possible conflicts for the rest of the students, for example: Why "Antonio" can get up to sharpen 200 times and I am asked to wait for the change of class?
Being aware of this situation, Mario Leroux decided to make a difference: he invented the bicycle-desk.
What is the bicycle-desk?
His name describes it. It is a desk that instead of having a normal seat, has a chair with the device of a bicycle. In this way, the student when he feels the need to move simply pedals and unloads the energy that is left over to continue focusing on the task.
Education professionals have corroborated the benefits of this device and already a school in Canada is implementing this system as, in some cases, substitution of the medication of some students (always depending on the cases).
Research shows that after 15 minutes of pedaling, students with this type of disorder are ready to learn in the best conditions.
Does it work with all students?
The need for immediate movement presented by ADHD is not presented by another type of student without any type of disorder. As we have been saying, the exercise before the lesson is very positive for both types of students. However, the bicycle desk that is so beneficial for students with ADHD, for students who do not have it, is a reason for distraction and divert their attention.
The mind of a child with ADHD is full of stimuli and this does not have a filter to separate the relevant from the irrelevant, that is why he loses attention and can not concentrate. But if we put at your fingertips a stimulus that requires coordination and concentration, we will reduce the amount of stimuli that come to you and focus on the task of learning, giving you the possibility of movement that you need.
Therefore we can say that the bicycle desks are specially designed for those students who have some kind of disorder and who continually feel the need to move.
Where to get a bicycle-desk
For now this new technique has not reached Spain, so we can hardly get any. However, there are tutorials on how to create a desk with these characteristics.
In relation to schools, having to have special characteristics such as not emitting any type of sound so as not to disturb other students, the option of making one yourself would be more complex. It is also important to say that this type of school furniture we would leave for about 900 euros. Something that most schools can not afford. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Pediatrician. We advise you to consult your trusted pediatrician.