The delay of menstruation: most common causes

The menstruation It consists of the period during which detachment and expulsion of the endometrium occurs outside the woman's body, so that if fertilization does not occur each month the inner layer of the uterus detaches, expelling the ovum in the form of blood the vagina That is, we are facing a physiological process by which women periodically expel a mature ovule not fertilized with blood, by the vagina, as well as other different materials from the uterus.

This blood flow, also known by the name of period, it comes from the uterus and tends to last a few days, usually between 3 to 5 days, although it will vary depending on the diet that is followed (for example, whether it is balanced or not), the stress and anxiety that the woman may suffer, existence of certain diseases ... In any case, it is common for the period or menstruation to occur every 28 to 30 days, at which time the body prepares for the ovulation cycle and finally for the menstrual cycle.

Between the symptoms of menstruation most common we can mention especially the one known as menstrual pain, characterized by the appearance of a severe abdominal and / or pelvic pain that appears before or coincides with menstruation. We can also name other symptoms or related signs, such as: back or kidney pain, headache, swelling, nausea, vomiting, fluid retention, diarrhea or constipation.

Why is menstruation or period delayed?

Although you do not really believe it, there are many causes that can influence whether the woman's menstruation is delayed or not, and the vast majority is true that nothing has to do with pregnancy. However, it is true that when menstruation does not reach the fear of an unwanted pregnancy or even think that you could suffer some fertility problem are two of the issues that tend to disturb most of the women. It's more, rarely the delay of menstruation can be a symptom of something more serious.

The delay of menstruation as a symptom of pregnancy

If the menstruation does not arrive and you have had some unprotected sexual relationship it is possible that a delay in the arrival of the period could be a symptom of pregnancy, especially if you are of childbearing age. In fact, we are faced with the most common cause of absence of menstruation in women of childbearing age.

Therefore, if the menstruation has not arrived, you suspect that you may be pregnant and in fact the day has passed by which you should have lowered the rule currently in pharmacies you can find effective pregnancy tests even with only a day of delay. However, since false negatives can occur, it is best to wait at least 7 days late so that the test result is as accurate as possible.

Unbalanced and inadequate diet

Following an unbalanced diet directly influences the delay or even the absence of menstruation, since there are nutritional imbalances that then cause hormonal imbalances. Therefore, amenorrhea is a common symptom in women with eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia.

Stress and anxiety

Few women think that nerves, stress or anxiety can directly influence menstruation to be delayed. Not in vain, the emotional stress it is a common cause not only that the period is delayed more than the bill, but that it causes the absence of menstruation in itself.

Therefore when the woman goes through a time of stress, or that nervous tension coincides with the days when menstruation should arrive, it is usual for the rule to be delayed and not arrive until a few days, especially if the tension it may be suffering is transient and disappears soon after.

The key? Try to relax, eliminating tension that may be causing a delay in menstruation. Opt for relaxing infusions, practice physical exercise and do some meditation or relaxation. It will help you to regulate your menstrual cycle again.

Consumption of medications

Following a treatment based on some medications can be a common cause of absence or delay of menstruation. Obviously, the contraceptives they are a direct cause (oral, injectable or implanted).

But there are also other medical treatments that can cause delay or absence of menstruation as a side effect. This is the case of antidepressants, antipsychotics, oral corticosteroids, some drugs for the thyroid (for example in case of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism) or chemotherapy drugs for the treatment of cancer.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

The polycystic ovary syndrome is a disorder that causes the appearance of cysts in the ovaries, changes in the menstrual sky and difficulty in achieving pregnancy, which is linked to changes in hormone levels that make it difficult for the ovaries to release mature ova.

Therefore, when a woman suffers from this disorder is common to occur the absence of the menstrual period or that there are irregular menstrual periods.

Diseases of the thyroid

When the thyroid the decrease in the production of thyroid hormones does not work properly, in turn causing an alteration of the menstrual cycle. In fact, it is estimated that around 40% of women who suffer from hypothyroidism have menstrual disorders, as ovulation is impaired, decreasing the ability of women to become pregnant. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

Endometriosis (April 2024)