The directed study method

If you are a student or you are on the verge of starting the study (for example, you are going to start a university career or plan to study for the oppositions), there is no doubt that the study methods They are very useful when we need some effective study techniques, especially because we feel disoriented and the results obtained previously have not been as expected.

At present you can choose different study methods recognized for their effectiveness. One of the most popular is the one called Robinson method, although there are also others equally useful as is the case of EL-SER 3 method. However, choosing between one or the other will ultimately depend on testing them and choosing only the most useful one.

Another known method of study is the one called directed study method.

What is the directed study method?

It is a method of both study and learning, designed to be carried out jointly between teachers and group counselors, as well as among students.

It is an ideal method to work in a group, since one of its most important elements is the evaluation of the conclusions in a group manner, while the preparation of the study stages is fundamental.

It is developed in a total of 5 phases: approach, assignment, study, consultation and debate.

The five phases of the directed study method

1. Approach

It is very important in this phase to define the objective that must be achieved. It is essential to have some clarity about the objectives, which provides the possibility of developing the topic in the most appropriate direction.

It also allows the preparation of the guides, which must contain: theme, sub-theme, objectives, activities and bibliography.

As far as the elaboration of the guides is concerned, they must be precise and clear.

2. Assignment

In this section we establish both the time and the form of the different activities that we must carry out. It is time to specify tasks, building a useful work guide for the selection and search of study material.

3. Study

It is time to investigate, investigate and classify the different sources of information. In this phase we must read, underline, summarize, build graphs and files of the work material, prepare the interviews, accumulate and sort the obtained data, experiment and prepare reports.

4. Consultation

We must divide this section in the query that the student must make to the teacher or study counselor (in case of doubts), and to experts in the subject.

5. Conclusions

It is advisable that we obtain conclusions from the topic we have studied, useful so that at the moment of conducting the debate we can reaffirm ourselves in the central elements studied. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Psychologist. We advise you to consult your trusted Psychologist.

Learn about Directed Study (April 2024)