The EL-SER 3 study method

As we mentioned in a previous article in which we explained what it is and how is the Robinson method (also known as EPL2R method), there is no doubt that the different study methods they become especially useful and helpful resources for most students, thanks to the fact that they offer adequate study techniques to improve not only the study process, but above all the results that are achieved later.

In fact, we would almost dare to say that without a good method or study technique, we could hardly study properly and achieve the expected results. We are not born students, and even more, the study is not at all innate, so that having a method is fundamental, and it helps a lot.

This time we want to talk to you about study method EL-SER 3, proposed by Miguel Salas Parrilla in his work Study techniques for Secondary and University, consisting of 7 phases.

What is the EL-SER 3 method?

It is a study method created and proposed by Miguel Salas Parrilla. It consists of a total of 7 phases: exploration, reading, underlining, schematization, summary, recall and review.

The seven phases of the EL-SER 3 method

1. Exploration

In this phase it is important to devote a few minutes to explore the material and the content that we are going to study. It allows us to obtain an overall vision, which will be important so as not to be confused in the second phase.

2. Reading

It is a much deeper study reading. It should be divided into two levels of deepening:

  1. Pre-reading: quick reading of the entire chapter. If this is very long, it is advisable to read only a section of it to capture the main ideas, as well as their hierarchical relationship.
  2. Comprehensive reading: it is a deeper reading, using the underline technique or consulting in the dictionary the words we do not know.

3. Underlined

This phase should not be understood as a differentiated section, but rather it would be in conjunction with the section on reading, with the difference that it is carried out at the same time as that of comprehensive reading.

It basically consists in putting a line under those important ideas of a text. It favors its preferential attention, which helps a better fixation in the memory.

4. Schematization

It is about making a synthesis of what is underlined, summarizing it in a structured and logical way. With this we establish ties of dependence between the main ideas, secondary, details and nuances.

5. Summary

Consists of condensing the text, so that we avoid missing some of its important ideas, maintaining the correct argumentative structure.

However, the summary should be brief. It is advisable to use both the text that we have underlined and the one of outline.

6. Memory

It consists of reciting what we have learned, which allows us to check the degree of assimilation. For this you can use the scheme we have made in phase 4.

7. Review

It helps to reinforce the contents, fighting forgetfulness. We can differentiate two types:

  • Recording review: consists of reading all the text, then stop at the underlined parts (completing them), and finally look at the outline and check that we draw the structure of the theme.
  • Reinforcement reviews: just read the underlined content and the outline, and not the text again.
This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Psychologist. We advise you to consult your trusted Psychologist.

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