The health risks of taking antibiotics without a prescription

The medical prescription It consists basically of the clinical process by which the doctor indicates to the patient what medicine or drug needs to be taken, for how long and in what dose or amounts. It is usually prescribed prescription, the legal document by which doctors prescribe the medication to the patient, and are then dispensed by the pharmacist. The importance of following the recommendations of the doctor to the letter derives in that the medications may not give us the expected effect if we take fewer days or in smaller doses.

As it is extremely dangerous to take medication without proper medical prescription. It is known as self-medication, and can pose a risk to our health, especially when we take drugs without really knowing if they could be effective or not for the disease or disorder we are suffering. This is what happens, for example, with antibiotics.

As you surely know, antibiotics consist of drugs capable of killing or preventing the growth of certain classes of sensitive microorganisms (usually bacteria), being useful to treat infections caused by germs, or to prevent the onset of bacterial infections. That is, they are medicines that only work against infections caused by bacteria, certain parasites and fungi. So, antibiotics are not useful against viruses.

Taken abusively can cause bacterial resistance

How many times have you not heard or read that taking antibiotics without needing it, and especially without the appropriate medical prescription in order to follow proper medical treatment, can pose a health risk because the bacteria when a bacterial infection does occur is do they become stronger ?.

It is what is known as bacterial resistance, and tends to appear when some bacteria become resistant to specific antibiotics, so that these drugs no longer work against them. That is, we must eradicate the idea that antibiotics are harmless medicines.

Because it happens? Fundamentally as a result of having taken antibiotics too often, or when they are not used correctly (for example, when we do not take all the antibiotics that the medical specialist prescribed). It can also appear when we make the mistake of taking antibiotics for viral diseases, for example in case of flu or cold, thinking that these medicines cure all diseases.

It is interesting today to once again recover the campaign that the Spanish Ministry of Health began back in 2006, with the message "Take them only when and as your doctor prescribes them. By using them well today, tomorrow they will protect us. "

Further, if we take them without following the recommended doses we can suffer certain side effects and adverse reactions, such as diarrhea, digestive discomfort, skin disorders, intestinal problems such as flatulence or gas, food malabsorption and food intolerances. Therefore it is always advisable to accompany the consumption of antibiotics with probiotics, products rich in live bacteria and lactic acid, which help strengthen our immune system while protecting our bacterial flora. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

Antibiotics and Viral Infections What your doctor isn't telling you with Dr. Alan Christianson (October 2024)