The power of silence: its incredible benefits

With more than seven billion people in this world, it is normal that we are always surrounded by all kinds of annoying noises. Especially if we live in large and long cities where there is usually a great hustle and bustle throughout the day. However, all this exacerbated and excessive noise can have negative consequences for our health.

That is why it is very important to have certain moments of silence and tranquility in order to reconnect with ourselves. In fact, we are sure that thanks to him we will be able to feel better as well explained centuries ago by a simple and curious quote: "Silence is a friend that never betrays."

Silence will not bind you to anything

But what are the real benefits of silence? Surely many will ask. Okay, we'll all agree that practicing a bit of inner peace and tranquility is going to be really beneficial to disconnect a little from the mundane noise. However, the advantages of practicing silence do not end here.

It can also be extrapolated to the field of human relations. Imagine for a moment that such a precious friend has betrayed you. He has broken his word. In short, it has made your friendship go completely to the bottom.

Our ego is hurt since we feel a great emotional wound within ourselves. When this happens, we have the preconceived idea that the best way to "get revenge" is through bad words or actions that negatively affect the other person.

However, through this practice, we will only enter into a fight of egos and vanities that will end badly for both parties. And sure that sooner or later this whole situation will result in stress and frustration that we will suffer until one of the two parties gives up.

This will not happen if we just shut up. If we do not say anything and we turn around to continue forward with our lives. The good thing is that it will be without that person who has hurt us so much. And on top of that there will be no time for this to reproach us for anything. Remember that silence is one of the most peaceful and at the same time powerful weapons that exist.

It will help you to deepen your being

Silence can also become a great ally to know you better as a person. In this sense, when you believe that everything is lost. When you think that there are no exits to your problems, try to take a little peace and quiet to think a little bit with the coldest head. There is a six minute rule that is increasingly practiced by millions of people around the world.

This practice consists of using this brief and short period of time to calm down. To take adversity from a more objective prism. And if we can do it in a quiet and quiet environment, well, much better.

Once all this time has passed, you will realize that you have reunited with you. You will realize that all those problems that were making your life impossible, have shrunk considerably. And therefore it will be much easier from now on to find a solution that will help you in the end to go out in the well that you have gotten yourself into.

By way of summary, you will have realized that silence brings more advantages than you think. In your hands is therefore that you start to practice it if you want to start enjoying mental and emotional well-being that will help you face your life in a much more optimistic way. Sit, close your eyes, breathe deeply, calm your emotions. You will see how your perspective, the world around you and the relationships with your friends, partner and family changes in a substantial way. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Psychologist. We advise you to consult your trusted Psychologist.