The quality of the supermarket hamburgers according to the OCU

After the news that leapt to the media just a few weeks ago as a result of the existence of horse meat in beef burgers, we have learned of the existence of a report that the OCU (Organization of Consumers and Users) will publish the next Thursday, in which they analyze 20 fresh hamburger brands that are currently sold in Spanish supermarkets.

Indicate that only five of those twenty marks exceed the minimum (that is, with a scraped approved) the minimum examination of the meat to which they were submitted, in terms of minimum parameters of quality and confidence.

Consumers allegedly cheated

After it became known that Eroski is one of the brands that supposedly cheats the consumer with the sale of extra virgin olive oil when in fact it is not (you have more information in our note Olive oil brands that deceive the consumer according to the OCU), it seems that this line of supermarkets is again in the spotlight.

And is that according to the OCU itself, Eroski He sells under his specialty 'Eroski Basic' burgers containing horse meat without warning on the labeling to his customers. The same goes for the brand Alipende and the products marketed under the 'Save More' chain.

Although - and here is a point in favor of Eroski - the study indicates that its meat is, within the white marks, the best quality.

Taking into account the analyzes carried out, the association has demanded an urgent investigation to the competent administrations, indicating that although we are not facing a food security problem, we are facing a cheating the consumer.

Presence of sulfites

Of the 20 hamburgers analyzed, 16 of them contain sulphites, an additive whose main use is to maintain the original color of the meat while inhibiting the growth of bacteria.

Taking into account that sulphites are not safe in high amounts, it seems that some of the burgers analyzed contained 90% of the Admissible Daily Intake (ADI) of sulphites for a child, so you should not consume more sulfites during the same day .

Higher fat content and lower amount of proteins

Most burgers exceed the fat content of a piece of beef, reaching 23 to 25%, an excessive percentage, given that according to the OCU, the higher the fat content the lower the protein content.

More information | Hamburgers: they are not what they seem This article is published only for information purposes. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesMeat

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