The risks of following a hyperprotein diet (rich in proteins)

One of the diets chosen and most used by many celebrities is the call as hyperproteic diet, although it seems that this diet is not entirely healthy, as many nutritionists have already warned.

And, that effect apparently so beneficial when it comes to losing weight, we find it in the satiating and thermogenic effect of proteins, since they are able to mobilize the ketone bodies and therefore control the appetite. However, its effects on the body can be so damaging that many nutritionists and dietitians discourage their follow-up.

Basically it is based on the follow-up of a diet whose main base is to opt for foods that stand out as a good source of protein, to the detriment or exclusion of foods with a high carbohydrate content, such as, for example, pasta. or the bread.

What is the hyperproteic diet? What is this diet rich in proteins?

The hyperproteic diet it is characterized because it consists in consuming without limits those foods that are rich in proteins, always to the detriment of carbohydrates.

For example, certain foods with a high protein content, such as cold meats, meats, sausages, dairy products and eggs, tend to be given a certain importance, but prohibit foods as important for health as cereals, bread, potatoes, legumes. , etc.

That is to say, the hyperproteic diet is a type of diet that is based on the consumption of especially protein-rich foods, which excludes foods that are a good source of carbohydrates or carbohydrates, such as pasta, cereals or bread.

But if this were not enough, it also tends to limit the consumption of fruits and vegetables, which as you know, should be consumed daily as they help us maintain and enjoy a healthy, balanced diet, and above all good health.

The defenders of the hyperproteic diets tend to promise a weight loss of between 2 to 3 kilos in just one week, and to favor elimination of liquids. For example, when a diet of this type is followed in order to lose weight, the chosen protein should always be low in fat. Thus, you usually choose between white meat instead of red meat, and skim milk instead of whole milk (or full).

While it is a diet that, yes, allows a significant elimination of liquids and give a certain value of satiety, can be very harmful to health.

Negative aspects of following this diet

Before following this type of diet it is best to know a little more about why the hyperproteic diet can be conceived as a type of inadequate diet and dangerous to lose weight, which can actually be quite harmful to our health:

  • It produces a rapid decrease in weight, but only water is removed, not adipose tissue, hence the great deception of the hyperproteic diet. That is, you tend to lose weight and volume not because you have lost fat mass, but because you have lost glycogen, proteins from lean mass (that is, muscle) and water.
  • It produces dehydration, fatigue and headaches in many people who follow it, especially when it is not well compensated. This is mainly due to the absence of carbohydrates, which causes the formation of ketones, which tend to accumulate in the blood.
  • You can increase the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • They also increase the levels of uric acid, causing its deposition in the joints in the form of crystal, which in turn can increase the risk of drop.
  • It decreases the absorption of calcium.
  • It produces a dangerous overload of both the liver as of the kidneys, due to the increase in protein metabolism.

It is evident that, once the diet is abandoned, many of its followers will be surprised that they have rapidly gained weight. This is due to the "rebound effect", motivated fundamentally because Weight loss has been caused more by lost fluid and water, not fat.

However, although following an unbalanced diet based solely on the consumption of protein-rich foods can be harmful to health, we must take into account that proteins are fundamental for our body. Therefore, we should not underestimate the consumption of protein foods because of this type of diet.

The most advisable if you want to follow it

This diet is usually recommended when, for various reasons, it can work as an alternative when, at some point in the treatment, the weight reduction stagnates or stops.

Of course, it should not be followed by anyone or even beyond a couple of days.

The most advisable is that the hyperproteic diet is effectively constituted by protein foods, but that they do not have fats, just as it is extremely important to ingest more than 2.5 liters per day of fluids without calories, preferably water to compensate for the loss of fluids. .

In any case, it is advisable to follow it under the supervision of our dietitian or nutritionist, and as long as it is not contraindicated. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesDiet

Problems with High Protein Diet (April 2024)