The risks of getting drunk with vodka or whiskey buffers: dangerous effects

It was in 2011 when from Germany began to alert on cases of young people who to get drunk soaked vodka in the vaginal tampons and then placed them with the aim of alcoholizing quickly, but without having to drink alcohol and especially without releasing ethyl odor.

Already from those moments the German health authorities could verify that not only they were before a practice that was gaining followers, but it was not exclusive of the girls: even young men applied the tampons of vodka via anal.

But it seems that we have to travel to the United States to find its origin, in a country where this practice is known by the name of slimming.

However, in the same way he arrived in Germany he arrived in Spain in that same year, along with other dangerous practices such as drinking alcohol through the eyes. However, it was not until just a few weeks ago that the Spanish authorities began to be alarmed after having detected four cases in Asturias.

Dangerous effects of getting drunk with tampons soaked in alcoholic beverages

Many medical specialists say that alcohol administered vaginally or anally is an extremely dangerous and risky practice for health, since not only can it damage the vaginal or anal walls, but it causes intoxication and can even cause death.

When teens choose to get drunk by this practice, they tend not to control in the same way as if they drank alcohol in glasses, so the risks are greater since the poisoning can be much better, increasing the chances of suffering a condition. Ethyl coma

In the same way that if the young people had taken alcohol in a normal way, the doctors can corroborate it by means of a blood test, verifying in the majority of the cases the existence of a water breathalyzer.

Image | conradh This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist.

The History and Impact of Alcohol Regulation (November 2024)