Tips to prevent human papillomavirus
The human papilloma virus (HPV) is a virus belonging to the family of papillomaviridae and it is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases that exists.
HPV infections are found all over the world, all people of any age and any gender can be affected by this virus; Even many of these infections occur in people's childhood long before they start having sex, but in most cases they are discovered early.
More than 100 types of human papillomavirus are known, which are classified as high risk and low risk types. The types of human papillomavirus HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 and 66 are high risk and they are carcinogenic to humans. The HPV types 6 and 11 are low risk and possible carcinogens for humans.
Some types of HPV manifest in people with warts often on the soles of the feet and hands; Many of them can occur in the genital area, affecting the penis, cervix, rectum or anus.
It is a very common virus in people and it is said that all sexually active men and women have suffered from this virus at some time in their lives, there are even people who suffer the virus without knowing it and others who delayed in realizing the disease.
Most human papillomavirus infections do not have harmful effects on people and some types of viruses cause genital warts in people. Some types of viruses called high risk can generate some cancers such as cervical cancer and others.
It is a virus that disappears after a certain time without any treatment; However, there are others that do not disappear and tend to hide in the body for long periods of time appearing again after a few years.
This is why it is impossible to determine when the infection occurred; Some people contract it at birth through mothers, which is not a source of embarrassment since most people have suffered from this disease and usually disappear without any treatment.
How to prevent HPV
There is a vaccine against human papilloma virus that protects women against 70% of high-risk HPV viruses. The Gardasil vaccine protects both men and women from most genital warts; The Gardasil vaccine and the Cervarix vaccine can help women prevent cervical cancer.
As it is well known the use of condoms in men helps prevent human papillomavirus; however, the virus can infect parts that are not covered by the condom.
After having sexual relations with the same partner in a stable manner, the selective risk of contracting the human papillomavirus is reduced.
With good behavioral habits, a good diet rich in vitamins and low in fat and avoiding the use of tobacco or other substances, the risk of contracting HPV can be reduced.
Cervical cancer can also be prevented if women are periodically tested for abnormalities. The Papanicolaou test identifies abnormal cells in the cervix, which must be removed to avoid becoming cancer. The DNA HPV test can also detect human papillomavirus in the cervix of women.
During oral sex, HPV can be prevented through the use of Sheer Glyde barriers and oral latex barriers.
Human papillomavirus is very common in humans as a consequence of its mutation.
It is important that people know this disease well and know what are the causes in order to avoid them, in addition; always use condoms when having sex to avoid infection, visit a doctor regularly in the area and conducting studies can prevent the spread or development of the virus. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.