Tips to prevent kidney disease

How many times have you asked about the health of your kidneys? And if so, what steps have you taken to protect, care for or purify your kidneys ?. The truth is that we tend not to worry as much about them as we do for other organs, as for example is the case of the heart or liver, until a condition or disease begins to cause the first symptoms. A good example is the painful cramps caused by the dreaded kidney stones. But the truth is that In most cases, kidney disease is very slow, almost without symptoms.

In the particular case of the kidneys, they consist of two bean-like organs, which are located in the back of the abdominal cavity, specifically just above the waist.

Its size? They usually reach about 13 centimeters long and 8 centimeters wide. And among its most important functions stand out precisely for being the bodies responsible for eliminating waste from our body, which actually come from the normal metabolism of all those foods that we eat.

What is kidney disease? What does it consist of?

From a medical point of view, renal disease it is known by the name of nephropathy. Its evolution is somewhat variable, since it can abruptly affect the function of the kidneys or very little, while in other cases it may not have healing and the damage tends to run its course, or even recover part or practically all of the function.

Medically, nephropathy refers to the disease, damage or pathology present in the kidney, previously known as nephrosis.

About their symptoms, it is true that since the kidneys work a lot and constantly in order to compensate for hair problems, the reality is that kidney disease usually does not produce symptoms until all renal function has almost disappeared. What's more, if his signs appear, they are not so specific, the most common being the accumulation of liquids (fluid retention). This is what happens, for example, with chronic kidney diseases, which does not cause symptoms in early stages.

But if it is an acute kidney disease symptoms are evident: blood in the urine, fluid accumulation, increased blood pressure and difficult or difficult breathing.

Tips for the prevention of kidney diseases

Take care of food

Following a varied and balanced diet is essential to take care of our kidneys and prevent any kidney disease. They are ideal fresh foods rich in water, vitamins and minerals. Among the most suitable we can mention the blueberries, the melon, the watermelon, the celery, the asparagus and the aubergines.

It is also very important follow a low protein diet, given that although they are fundamental for our body (they must conform between 10 to 35% of the daily calories), an excessive consumption requires our kidneys an extra effort for their elimination, especially if they are proteins of animal origin.

So, it is advisable to reduce the proteins of animal origin and not exceed in their consumption.

Reduce salt consumption

We usually add salt to every dish we eat, especially when we are preparing it in the kitchen. If we add that the food we consume every day already tend to contain the amount of sodium that our body requires and needs a day, the reality is clear: we consume excessive amounts.

The result is that sodium causes extra effort to the kidneys, that of staying in time can seriously affect its proper functioning. For example, an excess of sodium intake can influence the occurrence of high blood pressure.

Controls glucose levels and blood pressure

Did you know that a high level of glucose in the blood causes the kidneys to leak a lot of blood? It is an additional work that can affect the small blood vessels (capillaries) that act as filters, so that over the years protein is lost in the urine (microalbuminaria), and can cause the appearance of a nephropathy.

If you have diabetes, it is vital to keep your blood glucose levels under control, since to follow a strict control of the glucose reduces in a third the risk of losing proteins in the urine.

The same goes for the arterial hypertension. The key is to always try to keep blood pressure below 130-139 / 85-89 mm Hg (systolic / diastolic), since High blood pressure is a health riskespecially if the blood pressure is not controlled as it can cause the kidneys to become sick chronic renal insufficiency. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesKidneys

Effectively Managing Chronic Kidney Disease - Mayo Clinic (October 2024)