Vitamin F

There is a great diversity of vitamins, which stand out above all for being essential nutrients present in most of the foods that we consume every day, which participate in a great variety of functions of our organism, being indispensable for its correct functioning.

Although there are well-known vitamins from a popular point of view, it is true that few people know for sure what is hidden or what is known as vitamin F.

What is vitamin F?

Although it is called in this way, the truth is that Vitamin F is not a vitamin in itself, but in this way we call the unsaturated fatty acids, essential for our body, and highlighting above all the linoleic acid.

Vitamin F are polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are divided above all into omega-3 and omega-6, on whose virtues and benefits we have already spoken to you in many moments.

Nutritional benefits of vitamin F

The vitamin F (or, what is the same, the polyunsaturated fatty acids) are interesting when it comes to reducing levels of high cholesterol, decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol and increasing the good cholesterol.

Therefore the consumption of foods rich in vitamin F is interesting when it comes to take care of our cardiovascular system, since it reduces hypertension and cares for and protects our arteries.

He is able to strengthen the immune system, so it is interesting to increase the defenses.

It also becomes an interesting nutrient in the depression treatment.

Foods rich in vitamin F

The following foods stand out:

  • Blue fish: like salmon, mackerel, sardines and tuna.
  • Nuts: like nuts, almonds and peanuts.
  • Oils: like olive oil, sunflower, soybeans and seeds.

Image | orinoko42 This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesVitamins

What is Vitamin F (March 2024)