Vitamins for the elderly (third age)

As we get older our body begins, little by little, to experience a series of physical and psychological changes that ultimately tend to make our day-to-day difficult. Hence, on the one hand, it is essential to maintain active physical activity on a daily basis, while on the other hand, it is important to take care of food.

Stands out in this sense not only to follow a varied and balanced diet, you should also avoid unhealthy habits, such as the consumption of alcoholic beverages and others such as tobacco.

In the particular case of vitamins, although most of them are fundamental for the good functioning of our organism (hence its special importance in the Seniors), highlight some specific that must be taken into consideration during this important stage of life.

Vitamin D

It is an important vitamin, since among the elderly it is common that there is a high deficit of this vitamin, motivated mainly because it is a nutrient that we actually find in a few foods, which together with that during these years diminishes in a Considerable exposure of the skin to sunlight is common low levels of vitamin D.

We must bear in mind that the low levels of this vitamin entail a deficient absorption of calcium, which finally results in an increase in the loss of bone mass.

Vitamin C

It is recommended during this stage the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C (in addition to other natural antioxidants), helping to reduce the risk of macular degeneration and decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Particularly in this regard, vitamin C helps raise the so-called good cholesterol (HDL), and lower the bad cholesterol (LDL).

On the other hand, it is advised that smokers increase their consumption of foods rich in this vitamin, since tobacco inhibits their absorption.

Vitamin B6

It is recommended that during these data increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamin B6, since there could be atrophic gastritis that would impede the absorption of this essential nutrient, which increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, we must emphasize that it plays an important role in good cognitive functioning.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

One of the vitamins recognized for its importance in pregnancy, during old age is common lack, which can lead to the occurrence of anemia or increased risk of heart disease.

B12 vitamin

With this essential nutrient occurs the same as with vitamin B6, since there may be atrophic gastritis there may be a deficiency in vitamin B12, therefore the consumption of foods rich in this vitamin is recommended, even though their needs are the same for a older person than for the healthy adult.

If you want to know more, we recommend you read the article about feeding in the third age.

Image | What is in us This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesVitamins

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