Vulnerability: benefits, remedies and contraindications

The vulneraria is a medicinal plant that belongs to the family of legumes, this medicinal plant has been used traditionally for its healing and antiseptic properties, it is also known by other names such as, cat's claw, foot of rooster.

In addition to the aforementioned properties has other beneficial properties for our body as depurative, diuretic, astringent, antiemetic, digestive balm, antitussive.

The active principles of the vulneraria are: saponins, mucilages, tannins and flavonoids.

What are the benefits of the vulneraria?

Different benefits are attributed to the vulnerary, different properties that depend directly on whether its application is internal or external. Thus, for example, from an internal point of view it is useful to prevent fluid retention and eliminate toxins thanks to its diuretic and detoxifying qualities.

It also acts as a digestive balm, quality that means that helps soothe and soften the digestive tract. In addition, it is useful to calm vomiting.

It is interesting to use in case of colds and flu, since it helps among other aspects to calm the discomfort that we can feel in the throat and relieve the cough, especially irritative cough.

But its qualities do not remain here, as it is also useful at the time of prevent gallstones (also known as gallstones).

On the other hand, regarding the properties of the external vulneraria, it is useful for clean wounds and sores, accelerating the process of healing them.

The vulnerary can get it in herbalists, parapharmacies, as well as in pharmacies that dispense natural products; in various formats, either in dry plant to prepare decoctions or infusions, in tincture and also in extracts.

The parts of this medicinal plant that are used to prepare different home remedies are leaves and flowers.

Below we provide a few home remedies to prepare with this medicinal plant.

How to prepare home remedies with vulnerary

Decoction of vulneraria to heal sores or wounds

Due to the healing and antiseptic properties, the vulneraria decoction is effective in healing sores and wounds.

To prepare the decoction of vulneraria we need:

  • 25 grams of fresh or dried plant of vulneraria.
  • 500 ml. of water.


We put the water to heat and when it starts to boil we add the vulnerary.

Let boil for 3 minutes.

Remove from heat and let stand covered for 10 minutes.

We connect the decoction and let it warm.

Once it is warm, we can apply it to you.


We can apply it in two ways, irrigating the area to be treated or moistening sterile gauze and applying it to the wound or sore to be treated loosely.

This home remedy can be applied twice a day.

Infrararia infusion for irritative cough

This infusion of vulnerary is effective to help soothe irritable cough and sore throat.

To prepare this infusion we need:

  • One tablespoon of vulneraria.
  • A cup of mineral water.


We put the water to heat in a heater.

When it starts to boil add the spoonful of vulneraria.

Remove from heat, cover the infusion and let it rest for 10 minutes.

We strain the infusion and add a few drops of lemon juice, let it warm.

If the infusion with sweet touch is desired, we can add a teaspoon of brown cane sugar or whole sugar, a little honey, or stevia.

From this infusion we can take 2 cups a day.

Infusion of vulneraria to eliminate liquids

One of the properties of this medicinal plant is to be a diuretic plant which makes it ideal and effective to prevent or improve cases of fluid retention.

The vulnerary as well as being diuretic is also a mild laxative.

We will prepare this infusion with:

  • A teaspoon of fresh or dried flowers of vulneraria.
  • A cup of mineral water.


In a saucepan or heater we put the water to boil.

Once it starts to boil add the teaspoon of vulneraria.

Turn off the heat, cover the infusion and let it sit covered for 10 minutes.

We uncover the infusion, we strain it and let it warm.

Once lukewarm we can already take it.

If you like infusions with a sweet touch, we can add a teaspoon of brown cane sugar or whole sugar, or a teaspoon of honey or stevia.

This infusion is advisable to take 3 cups a day.

Contraindications of the vulnerary

The vulnerary taken in the doses prescribed by the therapeutic professionals is not harmful so we should always consult before consuming it and follow the guidelines and advice on the dosage form.

However, in the cases indicated below, the vulnerary should not be used.

  • In case of pregnancy.
  • During the period of lactation.
  • In children.
  • In case of suffering from kidney disease.
  • When we are in treatment with any medication we must first consult with the doctor before consuming vulneraria.
ThemesMedicinal plants

Flu vaccine risks and benefits | Infectious diseases | Health & Medicine | Khan Academy (April 2024)