Week 5 of pregnancy

Fifth week of pregnancy. The most important:

You are in the fifth week of pregnancy. Already the embryo is implanted and continues to develop. If you do an ultrasound (although it is still early), it is possible that only the gestational sac can be seen (and with luck the yolk sac, which would confirm the presence of an embryo inside it).

Week 5 of pregnancy (Week 3 of pregnancy).

Remember that following a varied, nutritious and varied diet is essential during pregnancy. In this week you can eat more green leafy vegetables (rich in folic acid), and dairy or nuts such as almonds and walnuts (rich in calcium and phosphorus).

Folic acid, iodine and iron supplements are essential before and during pregnancy. If you still do not take it, your gynecologist will prescribe it.

It is the ideal time to have a first appointment with your gynecologist. The pregnancy test has already given you a positive test, and you can start planning for the pregnancy. Calmly, yes.

The fifth week of pregnancy begins, and probably it does with a wonderful sensation of change for you: if last week you noticed the delay of the menstruation it is possible that you would make a pregnancy test, especially if your menstrual cycle is usually regular and you also suspect that you may be pregnant. And if the pregnancy test has given you a positive, congratulations! You are already aware that a new life is growing inside you.

During this week, unlike the previous one, great changes begin to take place both in the baby's development and in the mother's own body. And, in addition, the secretion of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (also known as beta-hCG) increases considerably as the days go by, so the result of the pregnancy test is even more secure if possible in this week, compared to the previous one.

But it is also possible that your menstruation is delayed a few days and you still can not suspect anything. Therefore, it is likely that in reality the pregnancy test you do it at the beginning of this week, when the delay is much more clear and obvious.

The development of the embryo in the fifth week of pregnancy

We are in the fifth week of pregnancy, and in the third week of pregnancy. That is, 3 weeks have passed since the moment of conception, and 22 days of embryonic development have already passed.

Throughout the past week the implantation of the embryo took place, and as of this moment, what medically is known as gastrulation: the cells of the bilaminar germinative disc of the embryo migrate and move to form a total of three embryonic layers that will make up all the tissues of the baby in the future:

  • Ectoderm:it is the outermost layer, from which the nervous system, the mouth, the skin and its outermost part of the body will be formed. It originates from the epiblast.
  • Mesoderm:intermediate layer from which the circulatory system, the skeleton, the muscles, as well as the reproductive and excretory system will develop. All this is also formed from the epiblast.
  • Endoderm:It consists of the innermost layer from which all the organs of the digestive system develop (stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver ...), as well as the lungs.

The embryo still has a very small size and it is possible that it is not yet visible inside the gestational sac if during this week you perform an ultrasound ultrasound, as it barely has 1 and 2 mm. of size. Its shape is similar to that of a bean or bean, and during these days there are also important changes -and advances- in its development:

  • The embryo takes on the shape of a bean. A series of protuberances are formed at their ends. The smaller ones will give place to the extremities, and the larger one to the head.
  • From the mesoderm the notochord is formed, which is a structure that helps support the embryo until its spinal column is formed.
  • A still primitive heart begins to develop. But it's still early for it to have a heartbeat.

Although the embryo receives the nutritional contribution thanks to the presence of yolk sac, also begins to form the placenta, very important for the development of the future baby because it will be the means by which the necessary oxygen and nutrients are transmitted.

What changes and symptoms occur in women during week 5 of pregnancy?

During this week it is possible that early symptoms of pregnancy be more obvious. Already begin to produce small changes something more visible in your body, such as increasing the volume of the breasts, which you will also feel more sensitive and hot.

In addition, other obvious symptoms also arise or continue, such as:

  • Tiredness and sleep.You may have more desire to sleep and rest.
  • Morning sickness, accompanied or not with vomiting.
  • Pain that is located in the lower abdomen.
  • Appearance of cravings or rejection by some smells and food.
  • Fluid retention.

Have an ultrasound in the fifth week of pregnancy

Many gynecologists do not advise you to perform an ultrasound because it can lead to confusion or error and in turn lead to greater nervousness for future dads.

The reason is that, even this week, it may be possible that the embryo is not completely visible inside the gestational sac, although sometimes it is possible to distinguish the vitelline vesicle inside the sack, so it would confirm the existence of an embryo and that the gestation continues to evolve.

So, it is safest to perform the first ultrasound during the sixth week of pregnancy. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

5 Weeks Pregnant - 5 Weeks pregnancy Symptoms - Pregnancy week by week (April 2024)