What are the vitamins and main functions of each one?

The vitamins are essential nutrients that are characterized mainly by being inorganic substances that we find mainly in the different and different foods that we consume every day through our diet and our daily diet. They are essential, which means that they are essential for the organism, and for life.

So far a total of 13 vitamins, which present and exercise specific functions in our body, hence ultimately be considered essential essential nutrients for life. In addition, they are "essential" because our body is not able to synthesize it by itself from chemical reactions, which means that they can only be provided through food.

Therefore, any deficit or lack has negative effects, and causes health problems in the person suffering from it, while an excess of vitamins also produces negative effects. In this sense we can differentiate between vitamin deficiency (lack of vitamins) and hypervitaminosis.

The same amounts of vitamins are not required, just as no food has the vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of our body. For these two reasons, it is essential to follow a diet as varied and balanced as possible, and find out what are the recommended daily amounts, each day, we need these essential nutrients.

As you probably know, vitamins are divided into water-soluble vitamins (those that are soluble in aqueous elements, are not stored in the body and their excess is easy to eliminate through urine), and in fat-soluble vitamins (those that are solubilized in fat, which are stored in fatty tissues of the body, being their elimination more difficult).

Water-soluble and liposoluble vitamins

As its name could indicate, water-soluble vitamins are those that are soluble in aqueous elements, which means that it is easy for our body to eliminate any excess through urine.

For this reason, given that they are not stored in our organism, it is very important to maintain the intake of these vitamins in a balanced and stable way, with the diet.

Here are the vitamins classified as water-soluble: vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9 and B12) and vitamin C.

And what about the fat-soluble vitamins? They are compounds that do not solubilize in water, but they do in fat.

This means that this type of vitamins are stored in fatty tissues of our body (especially in the liver and adipose tissue), so that an excess in the consumption of these vitamins can cause toxicity problems.

On the other hand, its elimination by our body tends to be more difficult, so it would not be advisable to consume them in excess.

Here are the vitamins classified as liposoluble: vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K.

What are the vitamins and what are their functions?

Vitamin A

Also known as retinol, it is essential for the eye and for maintaining the health of both the skin and the mucous membranes. It is a vitamin that can be formed from provitamin A or carotene, and we find it especially in products of animal origin.

Vitamin B1

Known by the name of thiamine, it is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates. This means that the more carbohydrate-rich foods are consumed, the more vitamin B1 will be necessary for proper and proper metabolization.

Vitamin B2

Known by the name of riboflavin, it participates actively in the reactions of energy production for the different biological processes. In addition, it intervenes in the maintenance of both mucous membranes and epithelial tissue, favoring the formation of antibodies and red blood cells.

Vitamin B3

Known by the names of niacin or nicotinic acid, it is a vitamin that can be formed in our body with the help of tryptophan, an amino acid. It intervenes in the metabolism of amino acids and fatty acids, as well as in the reactions related to the synthesis and degradation of carbohydrates.

Vitamin B5

Known by the name of pantothenic acid, it is part of the structure of coenzyme A, which intervenes in reactions of energy metabolism. On the other hand, it participates actively in the different metabolic processes.

Vitamin B6

Known by the name of pyridoxine, it intervenes in the enzymatic reactions of amino acid metabolism. It exerts an outstanding role in the formation of steroid hormones, intervening in turn in the process of degradation and synthesis of homocysteine.

Vitamin B8

Known by the name of biotin, it intervenes in carboxylation reactions.In addition, it is essential for the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates.

Vitamin B9

Known more popularly with the name of folic acid, it is the vitamin par excellence of the pregnant woman (pregnancy), since it helps to prevent deformations of the placenta, birth defects in the brain, in the spine (spina bifida), the childhood leukemia, cleft palate and cleft lip.

B12 vitamin

Known by the name of cobalamin, it is essential for the proper functioning of both the brain and the nervous system, as well as being essential for the formation of some proteins and for the formation of blood.

Vitamin C

It is essential for the good condition of the connective tissue, besides being essential for the assimilation of iron. It helps to prevent diseases and is useful in later recovery, especially after surgical operations. It also acts as an antioxidant.

Vitamin D

It is a fundamental vitamin for the correct assimilation of both phosphorus and calcium. Among other aspects, it strengthens the immune system, intervenes in the secretion of insulin and promotes the growth and mineralization of bones.

Vitamin E

Known by the name of tocopherol, it is one of the most known vitamins for its powerful antioxidant action. In addition, it is necessary both for the formation and for the maintenance of the cells of the body. It helps in the healing of wounds and acts as a rejuvenator.

Vitamin K

Useful in the correct coagulation of the blood. Hence, a deficit or absence of this vitamin may increase the risk of bleeding.

Where do we find the main vitamins? In what foods?

Did you know that most of the vitamins that our body needs are found in food? Therefore, through a varied and balanced diet we provide our body with all those vitamins necessary for our health and for its proper functioning.

Except, of course, of vitamin D, which we obtain mainly through the sun's rays.

Here's what foods and beverages we can find most of the vitamins:

Vitamin A

  • Dairy products and derivatives: milk and butter.
  • Vegetables, vegetables and fruits.
  • Animal products: egg yolk.
  • Fish: fish oil

Vitamin D

  • The main source in this vitamin is the sun.

Vitamin E

  • Vegetables.
  • Vegetables.
  • Animal products: egg yolk.
  • Vegetable oils: highlights olive oil.
  • Wheat germ

Vitamin K

  • Vegetables.
  • Vegetable oils.

Group B vitamins

  • Cereals.
  • Milk.
  • Dried vegetables.
  • Fish.
  • Meats.

Vitamin C

  • Fruits: orange, lime and lemon.
  • Vegetables.
  • Potatoes.

Special vitamin requirements

Each of the 13 vitamins identified and described so far have a specific recommendation regarding the recommended daily amounts.

In most cases, this amount is adjusted to certain characteristics such as: sex, age and certain situations, such as pregnancy or breastfeeding.

However, there are certain stages in life in which our body needs a slightly higher requirement of vitamins. Such is the case, for example, of childhood, adolescence, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Of course, it should always be the doctor who prescribes the consumption of a nutritional supplement to ensure the correct intake of vitamins in the stages described above, given that an abusive intake (condition known as hypervitaminosis), can be harmful to health .

On the other hand, it is important to know that the consumption of alcohol or tobacco, as well as other drugs, tend to generate a high expenditure of vitamins and other nutrients, so these conditions must also be taken into account in relation to the special requirements of vitamins and the diet that is followed. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesVitamins

The ABCD’s of Vitamins (September 2024)