What is Average Corpuscular Hemoglobin (HCM) and normal values

The Average Corpuscular Hemoglobin (HCM) is a parameter or element that we find in the blood analysis, specifically in the section known medically as the hemogram, and its study allows us to discover the average size that the hemoglobin has inside the red blood cell. . It must be differentiated from hemoglobin analysis.

Hemoglobin is an important component of red blood cells, since it consists of a protein from red blood cells that, in addition to acting as a pigment to give it the characteristic red color, also carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.

Therefore, its measurement is important within a complete blood count, since it is indicative of the average amount of hemoglobin present at the time of the analysis, which contains each red blood cell or red blood cell. And it is usually used when diagnosing the possible existence of anemia, along with other usual parameters in this regard, for example, it could be the case of Medium corpuscular volume, also known medically as VCM.

What is Mediated Corpuscular Hemoglobin (HCM) and why is the analysis performed?

If we take into account that hemoglobin is a fundamental component of red blood cells or red blood cells, consisting of a protein formed by iron, which in turn acts as a pigment of the color of blood, The analysis of the Average Corpuscular Hemoglobin provides the possibility of knowing the average amount of hemoglobin contained in each red blood cell.

As indicated, it is especially useful for the physician to obtain a classification of anemias based on whether the anemia is characterized by a low level of HCM (hypochromic anemia) or by a high level of HCM (hyperchromic anemia).

Normal values ​​of Middle Corpuscular Hemoglobin (HCM)

The reference values ​​of the HCM - or normal values ​​in the end - are between 27 and 33 pc (picograms). Although in some laboratories these levels may vary slightly, values ​​that are between 27 and 31 picograms per cell are also considered normal.

Alterations of the Average Corpuscular Hemoglobin (HCM). What are your causes?

Low HCM (or decreased mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin)

When the Average Corpuscular Hemoglobin is below the values ​​considered normal, in most of the cases it is due to the presence of anemia due to a lack of hemoglobin, the most common being the iron deficiency anemia(Also known medically as iron deficiency anemia).

High HCM (or High Average Corpuscular Hemoglobin)

When the HCM is above normal levels, it can be due to the existence of hyperchromic anemia, although it does not tend to be so habitual and when cases occur they are considered rather rare.

In addition, they can warn about the possible existence of a deficit of folic acid (vitamin B9) or vitamin B12.

Values ​​of HCM and VAW in the diagnosis of anemia

In turn, as we indicated on a previous occasion, the joint analysis of the Average Corpuscular Hemoglobin with the Average Corpuscular Volume (MCV) can be tremendously useful to obtain a more precise diagnosis of anemia. The following reference values ​​are established:

  • VCM and normal HCM: normocytic anemia.
  • HCM and low MCV: microcytic anemia.
  • High MCV: microcytic anemia.

It is, therefore, one more item of acknowledged importance in the complete blood count, and in the routine blood analysis that we perform every so often on the recommendation of our general practitioner. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesBlood test

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