What is boron, functions and recommended daily amounts

It has always been considered boron as an element of the most forgotten that hardly had relevance within human health. In fact, it was not until ten years ago when it was discovered that this trace element can have the most important benefits for our health if it is taken in very low amounts.

In this sense, it should be noted that boron can be found in all kinds of foods, such as certain fruits and vegetables that we should consume if we want to benefit from all its advantages, especially for all those who suffer from problems in your bones.

For this reason, we have found it very interesting to tell you in great detail the properties that boron offers for our health and with which we will ultimately gain quality of life.

Benefits of boron for our health

In this sense, we are going to ask you to pay a lot of attention to the following lines because through them we are going to make a lot of emphasis in this area so that you get completely out of doubt.

It favors the development of our bones

Boron is intimately linked with a Correct metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, three elements that are essential to enjoy healthier and stronger bones.

For this reason, boron consumption is recommended in all those people who they suffer from arthritis in all their joints or for those who suffer from osteoporosis or the decalcification of the bones.

It is beneficial for the nervous system

It has also been shown that boron, thanks to its high magnesium content, is the most beneficial for our all our nervous system. In this way, boron should take all those who suffer for example of some cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension.

It should also be noted that boron improves our mood, reassures us and makes us let's say goodbye to stress and anxiety.

Strengthens our entire immune system

Boron is also the most beneficial to strengthen everything our immune system. That is why you should increase your consumption in those times where we are more exposed to flu and colds.

In this way, a good amount of boron during the winter months It will make us strengthen our defenses and we are less prone to suffer viral pictures of this type or another type of infection.

The foods richest in boron

Now that you have already known in depth all the The benefits of boron, now you will know what foods are the richest in this element.

  • Fruits.Strawberries, plums, peaches, figs, apricots, pears and apples are very rich in boron.
  • Vegetables and vegetables It has also been shown that some vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, celery, tomatoes, beets and radishes have a high content in this element.
  • Nuts. Macadamia nuts, almonds and hazelnuts are also an inexhaustible source of boron.
  • Other foods Soy, wine and honey are other foods that are very rich in boron.


Boron content (mg / 100 gr.)


2.8 mg


2.7 mg


2.5 mg


2.4 mg

Rose Hips

1.9 mg

Peanuts (peanuts or peanuts)

1.8 mg


1.6 mg


0.9 mg


0.8 mg


0.72 mg

In the past, many nutritionists considered boron as a mineral that was only useful or essential for plants. However, recently it has been found that in reality it is a nutrient that, like other well-known minerals, would play a fundamental role in our diet.

However, although it is true that we have not yet been able to discover most of the functions that boron fulfills in our organism, we do know some of its more or less salient benefits.

Main functions of boron

  • It participates in the correct maintenance and development of bones, by collaborating with the metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
  • By potentiating the effect of both calcium and magnesium, it could help reduce hypertension.
  • Improves the response of our immune system to certain conditions, being useful when increasing defenses.

Properties of boron, in summary

  • Several studies have found that it could help when it comes to reducing high blood pressure (hypertension).
  • Participates in the maintenance and proper development of bones.
  • It improves our defenses, by improving the response of our immune system.
  • Muscle relaxing effect.

Recommended daily amounts of boron

Unlike other minerals, we must bear in mind that boron has not yet been defined by medical specialists and nutritionists as an essential nutrient for life.Therefore, recommended daily amounts of boron have not yet been defined.

However, many nutritionists advise that, as it is a trace element, it has been stipulated that the recommended amount of boron should be between 0,5-1mg a day.

Deficiency symptoms of boron deficiency

In animals, the boron deficit may cause reduced growth. However, for the moment, specific symptoms related to boron deficiency in our organism have not yet been recognized. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesMinerals

Boron Uses — Boost Bone Density and Much More (March 2024)